Chapter 18

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I didn't understand Ella anymore, ever since Josh came back into her life. She was either begging for my love or shying away.
She was confusing, but I was always close to getting what I want. I didn't just want to sleep with her, I wanted to keep her as my little surprise egg.


"Just a second" she said as she fiddled in her room before finally appearing after a solid hour.


"Sorry" she straightened her red, knee high dress.

"You look beautiful"

Her cheeks suddenly appeared a solid red, matching her dress and her lipstick.

"Thank you" she smiled weakly as I fixed my black tie.

"Alright, let's get to this dinner"

She nodded, gulping as if she was hiding something. She grabbed her car keys attached to her house keys and walked out before locking the penthouse door.

I offered to drive to the dinner with her beside me and she agreed.
The dinner was at one of the fancy restaurants, her boss had offered to invite the company to dinner allowing them to plus one.

I was Ella's plus one.

We entered the restaurant and Ella greeted her colleagues as I greeted them after her, not sure who everyone was, except for Sylvester Ricardo.

Ella's boss goes by the name Seal, who is ironically my boss too known as Sylvester Ricardo. The underworld shifty drug lord.
62-years-old and smart enough to cover his tracks by acting as these companies he owned is what made him offered these countless mansions and limitless ladies.

"Mr Ricardo" I shook his hand "Pleasure to meet you"

Sylvester smiled, knowing I was one of his main guards during a drug operation "You too"

I sat beside Ella, Seal in hands length of Ella and some annoying blonde chick beside me.

After several minutes of chatter, gossip and laughter, Sylvester smirked "Now we can eat" he faced the entrance door.

I turned around to look over my shoulder as Josh walked in with two guards behind him as the other two stood by the door, keeping an eye outside.
Ofcourse, someone who was badly hated, needed so much security.

Sylvester stood up as his guards stood behind him on either side of his chair.

Josh stood beside Sylvester and shook his hand.

I frowned as Josh's eyes met mine.

I was lost.
How did Josh know Sylvester and what is he doing here?

"As some of you may know, half our company owner" Sylvester pointed at Josh.

So he didn't work for Sylvester's drug world, he just owned part of the company? That now makes sense.

Josh's eyes never left mine until Ella finally stopped talking to the lady across the table and looked up as Josh was standing beside him. She took a second glance before looking away and pretending he wasn't there, continuing to talk with the lady.

That was a dangerous act but it put a smirk on my face.

Josh sat opposite Ella, beside Sylvester's right hand.
We all spoke and had a laugh, except Josh didn't have any sort of communication with Ella and I. Though it was obvious he wanted to. Every time he could get a quick glance at Ella, he would, only to move his way into my eyes before looking away.

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