Chapter 38

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2 days later...

Maybe I was better off shielding myself with the devil of mine. I felt such shame pouring my heart out, only to be rejected, but I didn't regret it.

For some reason, it felt good allowing my heart to speak for once, but maybe it was just not together enough to make room for her.

I was almost blowing half my deals off, either allowing police officers to locate us or having it all go wrong by losing a lot of my money, including men.
She just wouldn't escape my mind, I was at war with myself every living second.

"I poured my heart out, it wasn't enough" I inhaled my cigar, sitting back in my office chair, gawking deep into Nicolas' eyes.

"Maybe she isn't for you" Nicolas shrugged.

I chuckled and leaned forward, exhaling the thickness of emotions, "Even if she wasn't written for me in Gods books, she's mine. Even if a thousand years from now, she doesn't accept it and we no longer see each other" Nicolas frowned "Don't you get it?"

Nicolas nodded "Your words are loud and clear" he took a few steps towards me "So tell me, Mr Hutson"

I looked up at him as he stood in front of my desk.

"How exactly do you plan on getting her to become yours when the lady is loud and clear herself"

"I tried getting her the good way..." I leaned back "It's time I do it my way"

"And that is-"
Before Nicolas could continue one of my men rushed into my office.

"He's in the basement Sir"

I crushed the end of my cigar against the ashtray and straightened my suit as I walked passed Nicolas and towards the basement.

"Who?" Nicolas asked, following closely behind.

I nodded at my men who stood by the basement door and indicated they let me in before I shut the door myself.
I switched the lights on and greeted the male that had a black bag over his head, tied down to the wooden chair.


He wiggled and yelled, panicking.

"Nobody can hear you down here"

"Mr Hutson" Andy whispered.

I walked over and removed the black bag, smiling down at him as his face covered in wet tears.

"She's fine" I rolled my eyes.

"She didn't look fine when you snatched me 2am in the fucking morning from beside her"

"My men are looking after her"

"I highly fucking doubt that" Andy's anger appeared. "No wonder why you couldn't keep Ella around. If your life consists of these fucked up things, WHO can you keep around?"

I raised my hand to slap him harshly but froze mid-way. Looking deep into his eyes, I could almost see the reflection of my own at his age.
"You don't know anything" I whispered, lowering my arm.

"Besides the fact your the dirtiest man in business" Andy's sarcasm was getting on my bad side.

"I brought you to request help"

"Help?" Andy laughed "You ask for help like a fucking human, not snatching someone out of bed at 2am, tied up and blindfolded"

"Are you going to help me or not" I hissed.

"No" Andy looked up, tense and angry.

I looked back at Nicolas and pointed at the cupboard on the side. Nicolas wanted to say something but with the look of my eyes, he just walked over to the cupboard and opened it wide.

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