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Jun's POV

Later that evening Minghao and I sat in the living room trying to act normal, as the girls sat at the coffee table talking over tea.

"This is so awkward." I murmured, glancing at them.

Minghao nodded his head, "why are you so quiet though? It's not like they can understand us." He replied chuckling.

I sighed, "when will the camera crew leave?" I whispered when I saw the focus move to the girls and there conversation. I wonder what they're talking about. They keep giggling to each other. "How are we supposed to live together? There's no way of communicating."

Minghao sighed, "I believe that's the point of the show. Didn't we know this before we even signed the contract?"

I paused for a moment to think, then nodded my head. Minghao simply sighed. I scooted closer to the younger boy and smiled, "so, the little one?" I asked, knowing he knew exactly what I meant.

His cheeks turned red, "I don't even know her... why'd she hug me? It's weird..." he continued, shuddering.

I shrugged and leaned back against the couch behind me, "I think it's an American thing?" We both shrugged, but I still had more questions. "Any other initial thoughts?" I wondered, eyeing the younger boy carefully.

He looked over his shoulder at the two girls. "How old is the little one? She acts like a five year old." He chuckles, looking at the stuffed animal in her lap.

"Is that a bad thing?" I wondered watching them curiously.

He shrugged, "not sure yet. I think it's a good thing..?" He sighed, "regardless of how strange they are... they're both rather cute. The taller one in a... more feisty way I guess?" We both exchanged a look, then I blurted out:

"Feisty!?" And we both broke into hysterical laughter.

The girls went quiet and stared at us a moment, then the taller girl whispered something to the little one, and they giggled. I wonder what that's about?

Written by: GRIMM

Language Barrier {Junhui & Minghao} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now