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Lilo's POV

"Current members of the cast of Language Barrier were caught yesterday at a cafe together. The two seemed a little too close than most fans would wish! This photographer caught Tayten and Jun together seeming very close as they laughed together, held hands and at one point looked they were going to kiss! How do you feel about this blooming romance? Do you support it? What will happen next, Minghao and Lilo?"

I scrolled through the comments slowly trying to process it. They weren't really wrong... the photos were real. And even Joshua had said that Jun interrupted breakfast the other day to take Tayten to get coffee.... but he seemed so close to me.... and I was letting him be close to me.

Now I didn't know how to feel. What to feel. Or who to feel it for. I snatched my laptop and marched over to the boys' room where only Minghao was. "Look." I muttered dropping my laptop on the bed in front of him.

He quickly read through the article examining the pictures closely. "They- they aren't-"

"-Fake." I finished his sentence for him. "That's the thing is they are completely, one hundred percent, real." I breathed out.

Minghao shook his head. "No. Lilo. This isn't right! Something about this isn't adding up."

I smiled, running my tongue along my teeth. "You're right. Cause he completely played me and none of you bothered to tell me! None of you said, 'oh by the way Jun's gonna play a game of baseball with your heart and strike a home run!'" I snatched my laptop. "Some friends you bastards are!" I yelled at him slamming the door shut as I marched down the hall towards the living room. The boys in the living room all stopped and stared, no one dared to breathe. "Oh what the hell are ya'll looking at! You're just as much at fault as that jack ass is!" I pointed to Joshua, "feel free to pass the anger on, they both screwed you over too." I slid my laptop across the table to the pink haired boy. Then I slipped on my shoes and stomped out.

I didn't even go far. I just walked around the block and sat outside the convenience store with a few beers. I'm pissed okay? I'll do as a please. I mean hell how'd you feel if you found out your friend was dating the guy you were head over heels for? Plus they both LIED about it. I hate them all. Just as I thought I couldn't get anymore emotionally confused, Romeo appeared. He paused, staring at me, before jogging up.

"Hey, put that down." He murmured in that cutely awful English.

I sloshed the can away from him. "Why!? Why try? No one loves me anyways." I murmured staring at the liquid in the can. "Why couldn't I have fallen in love with you instead!? You're just as attractive and talented. You're probably a lot funnier. Why didn't you come here instead!?" The boy paused, his face blank. "Damn language crap." I muttered pulling out my phone. I scribbled what I had said down into a translating app and hoped it did my anger some justice.

"Ah," he murmured. "Thank you but," he paused. "Wait, are you saying you're in love... with Jun?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know! Maybe or whatever.." I murmured taking another swig from the can.

The boy grabbed my hand, smacking the beer can away. "I think you're taking this the wrong way."

"Oh sureeee, it's always my fault!" I muttered.

Romeo sighed, "he cares for you too. He got mad because you call me Romeo."

I sighed, "then what do I call you!?" I poked his nose, "cutie?" I ran a finger over his lips, "perfection?"

"Dokyeom." He replied, carefully taking my hand and bringing it back down to the table. "Or DK. That's my name."

I sighed leaning my head against the brunette's shoulder. "Even now you aren't disgusted by how pathetic I am. Why didn't I just meet you first."

He sighed patting me on the back. "Believe me. Jun is right for you. Come on, let's go back."

"Fine," I muttered. It was as we turned around, that I saw them. Jun and Tayten. He had flowers in hand, but they weren't for her... so who were they... he dropped them. Staring at us. He didn't say anything, just turned to leave. Walking away, so far... then it all went black.

Written by: GRIMM

Language Barrier {Junhui & Minghao} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now