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Lilo's POV

Prior to fainting that one time I was completely fine for weeks after. However whether or not Jun and I were a "thing", is still uncertain. And don't judge me there is always room for uncertainties!

But I was inspired then to be more active around the house, and on camera. The boys started spending more days out of the house filming and preparing. Occasionally when Tayten and I were lucky they would let us come along and "work with the crew" or just sit around behind the cameras watching. We'd gotten to go to their recording space once, and their dance studio a few more times. The little one, Woozi, was especially terrifying in the studio. I didn't need to understand him to know when he was angry. And he was angry a lot...

Today Tayten and I were hanging out in the studio next to there's. Apparently the boys' manager didn't want us seeing any choreography, official or not, because we could leak it to the public. Plus apparently we're "distractions" whatever that means. Lately too, I'd been getting along with DK more. Jun and I had reached some mutual agreement I could hang out around him so long as I was sober, not calling him Romeo, and standing at least a foot or so away... okay it sounds bad, but it's not that bad. I've heard worse. Because of the barrier between us and google translate being somewhat unreliable he'd started teaching me minimal korean and I was doing the same with English. It's a kind of funny process.

Every time he starts trying to teach me a new phrase Jun magically appears all like, "um well actually I could teach her better." And then DK reminds him that korean is his first language while it's not Jun's. It's actually really funny.

Anyways, here we are. Sitting around. So bored.

"What do you want to do?" Tayten murmured, still staring at herself in the mirror. She made some faces here and there, making her giggle. Then she whispered to herself, "damn your cute as hell. What a snack."

I sighed shaking my head, "how long are they going to be in the dance studio for? It's been at least an hour and a half."

Tayten laid on her back, her grey hair fanning out in every direction. "Well, I saw somewhere online once that as trainees they'd be in there for like fifteen hours."

"Oh hell no." I said standing up. My inner ratchet hoe was making a statement. "I'm not sitting around for thirteen and a half more hours."

"I'm sure they'll come check on us anytime now." Tayten murmured taking out her phone. She was checking herself out again. Oh my god. "Damn Lilo, I should let you do my makeup more often." She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "you borrowed my chapstick."

"Frikin' gorgeous I tell you." She continued.

I laughed, "I don't think I've ever seen you this confident before in me life."

"Bruh, your accent is coming out again." Tayten pointed out.

I sighed, "right." I paused, reciting, "blue mountains, hesitation, concentration.... better?"

Tayten applauded sarcastically, "you sound American again. Now when we go home your fully cloaked to hide from Trump."

I laughed out loud, "honestly he'd see me and be like 'I mean... close enough?'"

We both laughed and high-fived. Just as we did, the door opened and we could hear sneakers squeaking on the waxed hardwood floors. "Hey guys!" Tayten cheered as the thirteen boys strolled into the empty studio.

I was on my feet a little too quickly, looking for a certain someone amongst the crowd. Hmm, where is he? Then I felt hands on my hips, and someone said "boo" right in my ear. I cursed out of surprise in my mother tongue before whipping around to see Jun. "You scared me!" I scolded him.

He laughed, "that was the point."

I stood there crossing my arms and fake pouting. "I hate you."

"Love you too," he replied, pecking my cheek. I can't even tell if he uses the phrase sarcastically anymore. Tayten and I had noticed after living together for a while that Jun and Minghao picked up a lot of our little things we said to each other. Like sarcastically saying "I love you" and other one liners. But with how confusing our not-so- relationship is I can't even tell what it's significance is.

"Oh my god get a room!" Yelled an annoyed Vernon.

I laughed, turning around to face him while leaning back on Jun as I spoke. "You're just jealous."

"Honestly I don't even know which part I'm jealous of. Regardless. Stop being so coupley. Like I seriously feel terminally ill right now." He continued.

I gasped, "You!? Ill!? You wanna know who else is ill...? ME! Who was in the hospital? ME. I'll do as I please with whom I please." I replied, smirking.

"You play a dangerous game Lilo." Vernon sneered.

I blew him a kiss from across the room. "Bite me."

"Hey, hey, hey now. You need to find your chill." Jun muttered grabbing my hand.

I turned around facing him again, "come on, let's go out in the hall." I grabbed his sleeve, lightly tugging as I went.

"Yeah?" He asked, after I closed the door.

I sighed. "Okay, you can't be so controlling. It really doesn't sit well with me. Plus, until you make it clear what this is, you especially can't act like that."

He frowned, "the only reason I haven't brought up more is... I don't want the public to mess this up."

I grabbed ahold of Jun's hand. "That's not up to us though. Your job is to trust that your fans will support you. My job is to make sure you remember that even if they don't the only opinions that matter about us is our own. And Vernon's job is to be salty about it. Okay?"

He sighed, "I guess your right."

"Aren't I always?"

"Yup." He bent down to kiss me. "Let's go on a real date."

Written by: GRIMM
AN: Because Of time zones, today and tomorrow are the last days of the update marathon! When it's Nov 22 in your time zone be sure to leave a post on our homepage wishing GRIMM a happy birthday! Have a wonderful day/ night !

Language Barrier {Junhui & Minghao} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now