My condolences

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Hey guys my name is Ace, I'm one of the authors of LB, it's kinda sad that I have to introduce myself right now and I kinda of wished that I've done this earlier but I'm sorry.
Though Grimm has said it already but I personally want to say it. I am very sorry, I am personally crushed, this morning I woke up knowing something would be wrong, my body was warning me stay in bed, telling me "don't check your phone" but I did.
That's when I saw Jae's  (from Day6) tweet, I was confused at first but my phone began to explode from the news, I was so god damn speechless.
As you might know I'm a EXO Stan, a HUGE stan. So I like to support the other groups from their company so that's when I slowly got into Shinee, and I began to smile from how dorky the boys were, how they acted like family, how Jonghyun honesty made me happy, reasons why he was my bias. I don't know how he became my bias to be honest, there was just something about him that just made me interested in him, and for him to leave like that is just heart breaking. So many people I know are just depressed and speechless.
I legit watched someone I don't particularly like sob about his death and I've never been so sorry for her. Jonghyun was a part of a group that was her first bias group. He was a part of a group that brought her brother and her together. He did so much, accomplished so much and with that I would like to thank him.
Thank you Jonghyun, for fighting through the pain for so long, not giving up on your dream, for all your hard work, and support. Though I never was able to get to know you as much as I would, thank you. And u would like to send my condolences to everyone affected by this situation.
Though he decided to leave us, I hope you guys don't do the same if your going through the same thing, I love you all even though I don't know any of your names. And if you guys ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here, my personal account is in the bio.
I hope we can get better from this tragic moment together.

I love you guys

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