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Jun's POV

She was so small in my arms. So fragile. I rested my head on hers. I moved my hand from the door, to the back of her neck, backing up from the door to give her some room. I still held her close. Lilo wrapped her small arms around my torso, gripping at the cloth of my shirt with her slim fingers. I breathed in her fragrance, a mix between honey and flowers. A perfect combo that would forever remind me of her. Part of me just wanted to kiss her already, cutting this tension. But another part of me didn't want that amazing moment to happen like this. Not here or now.

No one understood why I'd rushed up to DK and Lilo leaving the group behind. They probably didn't get what was happening in this room right now. But I'm okay with that. After how close we were... i wasn't ready for it to end. It was a faucet I didn't want to turn off yet.

Lilo was just so warm-

"Jun," she murmured into my chest.

"Hmm?" I said softly as I backed away giving her some space.

She rubbed her eyes slowly, "I'm really tired." She murmured.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked her slowly.

She looked down at her large sweater and jeans. She shook her head, "why though?"

I smiled putting a hand on her shoulder. "Just go change real quick okay?"

She nodded her head, smiling I watched her shuffle out of the room, closing the door quietly. I waited on Minghao's bed by the door for a few minutes before Lilo slipped back through the door, closing it slowly. She was still in her sweater, but changed into shorts and some white fuzzy socks that cut off halfway up her calf. Her hair was in a sloppy ponytail, and her eyes were getting progressively darker. She shuffled over the bed where I was, kind of swaying as she did so.

She stood in front of me, I rest my hand lightly on her waist looking up at the tired pale girl. She rubbed her eyes again, then covered her mouth as she yawned. I stood up placed my hands on either side of her face, which was clean of any sort of makeup. Her skin was clear and porcelain, so soft under my fingers. She closed her eyes and it kind of seemed like she thought I was gonna kiss her. I wanted to. But it wasn't the right time. So I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." I murmured.

Lilo turned back as if she was heading to the door. "Lilo," I murmured getting her attention.

"Yes," she squeaked, trying to stay awake. I was glad she was finally comfortable to sleep in the apartment again. But she didn't get tired till she was alone with me... if I could be helpful to her like this... I was okay with that.

I smiled, "what am I gonna do with you?" I murmured as I picked her up off the floor.

As if this was normal Lilo wrapped her arms around my neck nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. I laid her down on my bed carefully, tucking her in under the covers. She grabbed onto my sleeve then. "What?" I asked quietly.

"Where're you going?" Lilo murmured rolling onto her side.

I caressed her cheek with my thumb for a moment while saying, "I'm gonna go say good night to the members okay?"

The moment I entered the living room I was bombarded with questions. Questions about who Lilo was to me, questions about how this would effect us all. It wouldn't effect us, my family always comes first. And Lilo and I weren't anything.

"So why is me talking to her a problem?" DK butted in suddenly.

I paused, I felt kind of stiff. "It's not. But I don't like that she calls you Romeo."

DK shrugged, "then tell her to change it. It wasn't my call. And it's not my fault she finds me attractive."

I stiffened even more. We always had a level of competition in the group, but it usually stayed on stage and stayed professional and not personal. "That's. Fine." I said slowly. "Good night guys." I murmured to the group.

They all said good night while finding ways to settle in in the small living room. When I walked back into Minghao and I's room Lilo was hardly awake. But she still managed to wave her hand slightly when I walked in. She honestly looked dead.

"Why aren't you asleep already?" I joked as I slid into bed.

She sighed, "I was waiting on you." She murmured cozying up to me. I immediately encircled her in my arms.

She's so precious to me.

Written by: GRIMM

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