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They were both sitted in their room, the room was filled up as all of them were around and doing one thing or the other; some were laughing, some were gisting, some sleeping, many were just shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Yan mate!  Malam Abu Mukhtar said we should all go and collect our exams slips," Muntasra shouted, being the known garrulous person she is.

Some hissed, groaned, while others kepts yelling "Muntas, are you sure? We don't want to go out now, we know how you can be a good liar."

As usual, Muntasra's reply wouldn't be something close to nice "To dan ubanku (an insult directed to father) kar kuzo (sit there, don't come)," she hissed and stomped back from where she came.

Had it been she just laughed and kept saying 'wallahi' 'wallahi', they wouldn't have believed her. But what she did was the assurance that she wasn't lying. They all wore their hijabs, some that weren't fully dressed wore their clothes__before they seperately walked to his office.

"You all should stay outside, I'll be calling your names___and you'll come and collect," Malam Abu Mukhtar ordered from his office. They both groggily slumped on the veranda along his office.

Ummi was quiet all the time, she was thinking about Mama would be doing by this time? Is Baba back from the office? Has Sulele left for Islamiyya? Is Ya Husna at school or hostel? Is Ya Yusuf is back from office?

Roaming her eyes around the school premises; her doe-like orbs that were glinting with tiredness fell on his brown hazel nut orbs. He was intensely staring at her he didn't even know she was looking at him too. Upon realization; his chapped purplish lips curved into a smile___she couldn't help but reciprocate with her heart beating harder than usual.

She yawed her gaze from his sight, but deep down__she felt something drawing her to him. She couldn't help but think about him, curiosity filling her soul. She knew he's her class mate, but she hasn't for once seen him, not even in the school premises.

They collected their exam slips and headed back to their hostels. She could still feel his gaze on her, she couldn't help but smile. She didn't know why, but she somehow admires him, despite the promise she made to herself.

They came back to their room and sat down, talking about how their GCE exam would be. The room became less boisterous; it was only her and Meeno left.

"Meenoo, I have something to tell you, but don't get me wrong,"she smacked Meeno's laps, chuckling at Meeno's yelp.

"What is it? I won't; I promise, unless it's something y'know?" She winked cockily at her, earning another smack on her shoulder.

"Aysha! You're bullying me. Stop it and tell me what it is, I've noticed how you've smiling like a maniac, so just spill!" Meeno exclaimed and dodged the smack that came her way.

They laughed and sobered up. Ummi looked at her with all sort of seriousness before she smiled a little, this sudden wave of heat raving through her; as she reminisced how his intense gaze set her ablaze.

"I saw someone at the field today, when we went to collect our exam slips." She let it out, not that she knows her reason behind telling Meeno about the guy, she was sure he isn't even thinking about her. It might be a coincidence.

Meeno gushed. She palmed her mouth and broke into a series of laughter. This is getting intriguing. "The love story of Aysha Mashi starts when she is few weeks away from her GCE exams, how eccentric?" Meena sang in her melodic and ecstatic voice, she knew where this was going.

"Meeno! So I can't tell you something in peace without getting annoyed? You're stupid!" Ummi smacked Meeno's shoulder and stood up, as she made her way to the door.

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