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"Mama let's hurry up and go it's getting late" Sulele groaned, sitting at the dinning table.

"Sulaiman we're leaving after asr you already know it, this is not your first time visiting Ummi"Mama yelled from the kitchen.

"Hahaha Mama take it easy on him, we should do fast and finish this lunch before Baba and Ya Yusuf returns"said Ya Husna.


"Amina lets hurry up and do our laundry before noon you know Mama will be around by 4, and tomorrow Mummy(Amina's mother) will be here in the morning" said Aysha, packing their dirty clothes in a basket; ready to go.

"Ohhhh Aysha we have alot to do this weekends, so lets get going" said Amina while standing up. She changed to a comfy dress, and they head out.

When they arrive at the laundry, they met Hauwa Ango(Ango), Halima Amiru(Haly), Halima Rabiu(Dan-halilu) chatting while washing their clothes.

"Goodday, young ladies" Said Aisha, sprawling their clothes on the floor.

"Good Day" Said Haly, egoistically.

"Dan-halilu, did you collected the note book from Hashiya? I told her to give you when she's done" said Meeno.

"No she didn't give me, may be she's not through" Dan-halilu answered.

"Meeno can i have it when she's done?" Ango asked.

"Ango I'll give you mine, because she might take time before she finish and he'll collect it on friday" Ummi offered.

Haly chuckled outwardly "So you even have the note but only give it to those you love" trying to enrage her. Ummi and Haly never get along, since from the start.

"Ango when you are done with your laundry, go and check in my locker the book is there" Said Ummk, snubbing what Haly said.

"Ok thanks Friend"

They continue chatting and as usual Haly was trying to exasperate and enrage her all the time, but she kept snubbing her bland blandishments.


"Aysha what is it? You were freakish since in the laundry, tell what is it please" Amina asked symphathetically, holding her hands.

Aysha whose eyes were glisten with tears " I've never wronged Haly in any way, but she's always trying to enrage me. May be she doesn't want our relationship with you because i came to this school and met you guys as friends" she sniffed.

"Oh my god Aysha am so sorry please"said Amina trying to placate her.

"Okay babe its alright"said Ummi, faking a smile.


"Uhmm Al-amin you know what?" Nasir asked.

"No just go straight"answered Al-amin, briskly.

"Okay I'm from the visiting ground and Aysha is there waiting for us, you should hurry up" Nasir smirked, looking at his frisson friend.

"OMG! Nasir are you serious?"Al-amin asked, stammering.

"Ehen now, I'm not jesting so hurry up because her family will appear very soon"Nasir answered, ostentatiously.

"Well ..... Am good to go"

As they were approaching,Aysha didn't notice them they were busy chatting with Amina Elah and Amira kwaru when they heard Nasir said "Salamu Alaikum"

"Wa'alaikums Salam" they answered in unison.

"I can't stand or sit down am totally nervous wlh" Ummi hushed to Amina Elah.

"Just be brave dan Allah it's nothing fa" she hushed back.

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