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Some might really feel like killing me *laughing hard* I'm at my Dadzu's house, come and beat me*sniggering*.

They were sitted on opposite chairs, looking at each other, their hearts beating vigourously against their ribcage. He looked at her, with so much adoration in his eyes. He can't just believe it, he surely had fallen for this girl, his sister.

They were emoting their feelings through their eyes. To say she is happy, is an understatement. For now, she's very sure he is in love with her.

Inas words creep in her mind, that made her shifted her gaze on the table between them. She's fumbling with the hem of her veil, the words seems too heavy for her. She can't ruin this moment. The moment is an endearment.

"Yaya." She called out, ostentatiously smiling at him.

He shifted his gaze, and his eyes fall on her luscious lips. He can't just believe it, but her lips are beyond his liking. The lips are endearing, he wish he can kiss them. Only if wishes were horses.

"Lailah." Came his vulgar voice. His voice made her stomach do double flips, which made her heart ebbed with his love. She love the coarseness of his voice. The way he calls her name is an endearment.

"Umm... Laith talked to me yesterday, he said he's really sorry." She stuttered, looking at him. "He said he wants to be my friend." Her eyes landed on his creased forehead, he look frustrated.

He look startled, he know this guy is up to something. Why can't she see her love in his eyes?. "What did you said? Repeat yourself please." He said, bumbling. He's still scuppering her words in his noddle.

"He said, he wants to be my friend." Came her voice, more like a whisper, it can be seen from his eyes; he's narked. "But i said; i have to tell you first." She added, making a puppy face.

His voice stiffened, he don't want to hinder their relationship; now that they're out of their seclution. "Let's go back." He said, standing up. He packed his things and went to pay their bills, while she waited outside.

She's pacing to and fro, telling him this is more of a hindrance than a help. He comes out, without uttering a word, he move fast her.

She sprinted and catch up with him, she hold his hand. "Yaya, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you." Said Laila, looking at his face that changed from loving to coarse. "I just need your consent." She added, grisping his hand.

"What do you want me to say? I should agree?" He snapped, yanking his hand. "Do as you wish." He added.

"Yaya." She called and burst into tears. She stood there sobbing. Why can't he understand her?

He snubbed her, but her sob kept gnawing him. He scutle to where she squated down, yelping. "Lailah, Ya Allah! I'm sorry Lil sis." He blurted, lifting her up.

"But Yaya, why didn't you understand? Don't be suspicious please." She said, wiping her tears away. "I love you, and only you. Trust me Yaya." She added.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for being pugnacious." He said and hold her hands.

She round her hands around his torso, side hugging him. As they silently prowled to the female's dormitory. Everyone lost in his thoughts.


She had been literally sick all this while, her heart ached alot. Upon seeing that girl; she had belied that she's beleaguered.

His thoughts always ebbed the wounds in her heart, that's why she eschewed herself from his thoughts. She's tired of all this things, she want to be free from all worries; like she was.

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