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U:you what?

A:forget it, he answered tentatively.

U:okay no problem.




"Aysha we have go and check our result it's out"said Amina, freakishly.

"OMG! Our result is out?" Ummi yikes.

Its two months since they wrote their GCE exams and they're in SS3 first term.

They scram to the school cafè and met almost all of their mates waiting for their own to be checked. While those who checked theirs were frolicking, some yelping. She yaw and saw Rukayya (RAT) sobbing hysterically. RAT is humourous and bubbly seeing her sobbing debilitate her.

They checked their result and its Alhamdulillah.

"Aysha, is that Al-amin over yonder?" Hashiya asked, bantering tone in her voice.

He was heading to the school cafè looking pale and haggard.

They went back to their room, sweets and chocolates nylon were higgledy-piggledy over the floor.

"This is unfair, why can't you go and litter your own rooms but ours" Amina stated, grievancely.

"Eyyah Meeno, we're sorry" said Maryam Yusuf. "I'll clear up the room before leaving"

"This room is hideous"Nana Mustapha grumbled.

"Hey! Keep shut, you're goof-off hope you know it?" Yelled Layusa, enragedly.

"Hey! enough of this squabble, lets find something to gist about" Ummi sterned, bubbly.


"Alhaji!"Mama called.

"Yes Hajia" he answered.

"Husna called and informed me that her groom's parent decide to come on friday" Mama informed, her voice emanating how ecstatically happy she is.

"Well, I'll call Alhaji Isma'il and Alhaji Bashir so that we can attend to them. May Allah extend our days to witness" Baba said, frissonly.


It's Sunday evening and the whole students were at the field, it's sport day.

"Amina lets go to the field, please" Ummi pleaded, friskly.

"No Aysha, i don't want to" she answered, groggily.

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