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Frolicking around their room, Laila was dancing vigourously, she's enthusiastic about their moment with Al-amin. The moment was scintillating, she vividly see him smiling, touching his cheek. The peck was endearing!

The door creak ajar and Inas appears, wearing a blue jeans with a red tank top.

"Hey girl! How was it? Hope it worked fine." Inas asked, guiding her to the bed. "Answer me now, didn't it worked?." She added, shaking smily Laila.

"Ohh girl, so sorry. It worked perfectly Ok!." Laila blast, rocking herself enthusiastically. "All thanks to you girl, I even pecked him, the peck was an endearment. And he got the message through it." She added, Hugging Inas.

"OMG! I'm happy for you Laila, i know it will work." Said Inas, patting Laila's back. "So what's our next plan?" She added.

"Ahh! You're now my mentor, what's the next?" Laila questioned back.

"You will really make a good friend." Inas said, clapping their hands together.

"We're already friends Inas, you really helped me." Laila said. "I'm eager to hear the next plan please." She added friskly, grisping her hands.

"Well... Let me see your phone." Inas asked. Laila thrusted her the phone and intriguingly wait to see what her mischievious friend is up to.


He woke up smiling, reminiscing their last encouter with Laila. The peck was mesmerizing, he never thought it will have this effect on him.

He ordered his breakfast, have his bathe, and was dressing up when he heard the door bell.

"Good morning sir." The person greeted, thrusting him the order he made.

"Oh! Morning." He said, smiling lopsidedly. "Thank you." He murmured and close the door.

He took his phone and sat down, checking his whatsapp messages; he saw Aysha's text.

U: Hey! It's been a while, how're you and your studies? I hope everything is fine. I expected your text or even a phone call, but didn't got one. I thought something bad might happenend, because you've never done that. But i'll be glad if you're Absolutely fine.

He sat there stupefiedly, how can someone be so loving, caring and understanding like this? A lady for that matter. She saw Laila hugging me, but that didn't procrastinated her from sending me a message, asking my wellbeing. She's everything i could ever ask for. He smiled, ready to reply her text when another text come in, it's Laila. He hurriedly enters the text.

L: Hello Yaya, Hope you slept well? Yaya don't forget your promise please, i'll be waiting for you. Bye Yaya, I love you!

He rummage his brain with the question of which promise does he made to Laila? He seems not to find the answer so he call her.

A:Morning lil sis

L:Morning Yaya, hope you slept well?

A: Yes. How was your's?

L:It was Alhamdulillah, full of your dreams. I really love you Yaya.

A:Huh! Lailah! Why can't you understand? I love Aysha and only her, don't stress yourself please.

L:It's Okay Yaya, don't say something bad to me, because you might soon fall for me. It's just a rememberance.

A:You're not serious. What promise have i made? I can't remember promising you anything.

L: Oh my god! Yaya have you forgot? You promised me  since i was ten years old. Remember?.

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