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"Yaya please i'm sorry, it wasn't intentional." Laila pleaded, making her best puppy face. "You look so takeaway, i can't resist the urge to hug you" she added, holding his hands; in a pleading way.

"What do you think you did?" He yowled. "Can you imagine the pain she felt? I saw a glint of sadness amd pain in her eyes" he abruptly remove his hands from her grip. "Don't ever do this again to me, she might lost her trust in me" he added.

"I'm very sorry Yaya, i will never do it again." She hold her ears; using both hands. "Let's go outside and sit down. You're narked."

"I don't want to, just leave please" he yawed from her side. "I have to call her and apologize" he added.

She abruptly felt a pang of jealousy in her heart.

"You don't have to do it now, she won't listen to you, let her cool down." She said ostentatiously, trying to shangai him.

"No! I must call her. Can't you see she ended the call first? She might be crying" carrying his phone beside him, trying to dial her number. "Leave, before she pick the call please"

She suddenly collect the phone from him. "No! I'm a girl, at this kinds of situations; we need to cool down first." Holding his hands, she's trying to lead them to the door. "You have to cool down too"

"Okay" he said, laconically.

They went out and sat under a tree shade, vacantly looking at the stars. Everyone lost in his thoughts.

"Yaya, i'm craving for ice cream. Wanna get some?"

"I'm too" he said, lacklustrely. "Let's go and get some" he added, lackadaisically.

They stood up and Laila entwined their hands. He looked at their hands; ready to remove his, when something creep in his mind. What is wrong with us entwining hand? Afterwards, she's my sister. And if i yank my hand; she'll feel bad. I promise to love her all my life, and i still love her!

"Yaya look at that couple, aren't they impressive?" She asked, gesturing at a romantic couple.

"Yeah, they're" he answered, laconically.

They walked to the ice cream bar and come back. Their sojourn was memorable for Laila, she hugged his torso, held his hand, ensconced herself in his warmth. Indeed! It was memorable.


"Mama, i must call her. How dare her?!" Ya Yusuf snapped, fuming with rage.

"Don't call her Yusuf, what if she tell your father? She's capable of doing anything" Mama said, lugubriously. "I told you this because i have no one to talk to, not for you to act upon it" Mama added.

She told him about Ummi's situation, and he's now fuming with anger; saying he wants to call Aunty and warn her.

"But Mama..."

"No but's, Yusuf. Just go please"

Sulaiman walked lackadaisically and sits beside Mama. "Mama what happened to Ya Yusuf" he asked, looking worried.

She just played the voice note and thrusted the phone to him. Sulaiman being the lachrymose he is; has already started crying. He hates it when Ummi cries.

"Mama we have to tell Baba about this, it's getting worst"

"No Sulaiman, it's just a matter of time"

"Hmmm, i despise that woman" Sulele said, through gritted teeth.

"I don't want to hear that again" Mama warned.

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