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"Yaya, please help me with my box" Said Laila, trying to be ostentatious."It's too heavy please, Ya Al-amin."

They arrive late yesterday, so Laila slept in his apartment. She's leaving for her dormitory now.

"Just from here to the hostel; i should help you with your box?" He shot her a deadly glare. "Do i even look like someone who carry luggages to you?"

"No Yaya. I can take this one, but the other one is heavy" She pleaded, making her best puppy face. "Please Yaya" She fluttered her eyelashes ostentatiously.

This is a sister he loved all his life, A sister he swore to protect. Why can't he? Just to help her carry a box?

"Let's go" He hushed, as he languorously walk and lift up the box.

"Thank you Yaya"

They entered her room, drop the boxes; when a lady of 15 years old came out of the bathroom. She doesn't mind seeing a guy; she's only in her towel. "Hey! Are you my roommate?"She asked, sitting at the edge of her bed, applying a lotion.

"Yes. I'm Laila Muhammad," She answered, smiling.

"My name is Inas Abdulkarim. Nice to meet you"

"Thank you. This is my brother; Al-amin" Said Laila, gesturing at Al-amin; whose head is hung low looking at his phone.

"Oh Hi!" She waved at him. He looked up "Hello" He waved back, briskly.

"Hey, I'll be on my way" He informed and went out.

"Bye Yaya. Thank you" She yelled. "Don't forget to eat your lunch please"She added, obseqiously.

He prowled to his apartment which is very close to the girls dorm. Ya Allah! I didn't call Aisha. I wanted to call her before we leave but didn't know what procastinated me. May be she's there all worried about me. I'll call her later insha Allah. He closed his eyes ruminatively.

Ummi is sick. Her body ache, heart ache, chest ache, Everything in her body aches.

She's in the living room since morning. Didn't take her lunch, Aunty made one dry jollof rice; she had been bossy today.

She sprawled on the center rug, thinking how in pain she is. No one can understand what i feel, even if i vocalize it.

She only get up and pray when it's time. She neither bath nor did she clean her jumbled room. She prayed her Asr prayer and fell into a restless nap.

"Assalamu Alaikum"Ummu salamed, entering the living room, waking her up.

She slowly squinted her eyes "Wa'alaikumus Salam" She answered, sitting upright; resting her back on the wall.

"Ummi are you sick? You look pale"

"Hmm, i'm not just sick; but dying inside" She answered lugubriously.

"Eyyah sorry"

"How's Momy and Mama? Tell them I'm very sorry please, I'll come and greet them tomorrow insha Allah"

"Ok I'll Insha Allah" Ummu answered, scrupulously looking at the TV; watching Jodha Akbar.

"Ehen that reminds me please, where can i do my hair? It's messy wallahi"Ummi groaned in irritation.

"I'll take you to Anty mansurat's house tomorrow Insha Allah"

"Thank you" Said Ummi, fixing her gaze on the television.

Aunty came out and they say their greeting with Ummu before she advanced to the kitchen; doing only god knows.

"Ummi go and dispose this waste, it's full" said Aunty when she comes out of the kitchen.

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