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"Promise me Al-amin, you'll never break my heart; you'll always be by my side, you'll not leave me for another girl. Please." She sniffs between sobs....

"I promise you Aysha, I'll love you till my last breath, I'll never leave your side, I'll not leave you for another girl Insha Allah."

Her words, her sobs, how her words erupted directly from her heart, she sound devastated. The promise he made, he can't just break this promise, not as abruptly as this. It's better to date another girl than to marry her, it's just too much. He can't do this!. Not that he still love her, but a promise is a no joke thing, he have to tell her first.

He quickly disconnected the call, looked at her, lugubriousness plastered on his face, "Look Laila, I think it's too sudden, why won't we wait till we go back?" He said, looking straight into her eyes, hoping she'll understand him. "I think it'll be better, we'll have the chance to celebrate our wedding. Don't you want a grand wedding? Full of parties?" Trying to shangai her. He can't just do this for Aysha. Not as abruptly as this.

She kept staring at him, probably lost in her thoughts. She scuppered his words in her noddle, he sounds reasonable. She always looked for a grand wedding, a wedding full of parties. It's her wedding, it suppose to be as scintillating as it could. "Yes Yaya, that's a very good idea, we shall wait then." She said, smiling at him.

"Tell me what's between you and that guy." He said, his face expression suddenly changed from sweet to sour.

"Erm-em, he's my friend Yaya," she said, trying to sound guileless.

"Why was he angry? And why did you followed him? I just can't understand why. Friends are not suppose to behave like that Miss," he sneared, looking at her disgustfully. He just don't want to admit it, but he surely had saw a glint of her love in his eyes.

She kept fumbling with the hem of her hijab, bumbling on the sofa. How can she say it's because of him? How can she tell him he was jealous? Just how can she tell him it's because he loves her?.

"Well-- I'll take this as a 'Yes' to my suspicions. Is this how you wanted me to marry you? A lady I can't even trust? What do you take me for?" He snapped, through gritted teeth. "I can't marry a guile lady, how do you expect me to?" He added, his eyes were red, an amalgamation of anger and jealousy.

"Just answer me. Will you?" He snapped, rather roared.

Her body shivered, she's trembling, she hate this side of him. She can't answer his question, she felt bad-- does this means he can't trust her? Is he really suspicious of her?. She had no other option than to wend her way to the door.

"Goodnight," she said, almost inaudible, as she trudged to the door. She placed her hand on the door knob, turned to look at him, tears cascading down her cheeks. He don't have the idea how it hurts. How can he not trust? He's the first person she needs his trust.

He dolorously watched as she banged the door, he felt her pain. How can he say those words to her? It's so unkind of him. He must surely apologize to her, it must be a suprise apology. He's sure she'll love it.

He doggered to his room, his mind ruminative on how he'll suprise his Ciccino, he hope she'll accept his apology. He loves her with all his being!.


She groggily woke up from her sleep, she had'nt got enough sleep yesterday, her heart is a jumbled mess. Why is he playing with her feelings? A minute he's all lovey-dovey, and in another minute he's the 'I don't care' type. She's tired of all this, he's always claiming to be an introvert. Why won't he just realize how she feels? Why won't he for once think about the mess he's making in her heart? Why can't he fathom that she love him! Not for who he is, not for what he possess, but, for the sake of Allah. Allah embeded his love in her heart, she has no right to unlove. It's a no go area!

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