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This chapter is wholeheartedly dedicated to Sholeey_ for the love you've showed for DH. I LOVE YOU.


Ummi came out of her examination hall, feeling greatful and extremely happy, she was suprised at the same time. Time really flies, she's now a biochemist. Surely Allah has his wonders.

Azeezah came to were she stood, looking at the school premises, the students roaming about, the new JJC's holding their files friskly, she'll surely miss this school. It holds alot of unforgettable moments in it. She was broken at her first year, that made her realize how cruel people can be, the same place that taught her to be responsible, she learned how to act matured and shrewd. She was mended, and finally she was graduating. All thanks be to Allah.

Azeezah patted her shoulder, making her shrieked of out shock, she looked at her, an unreadable expression plastered on her face, she will surely miss her second bestfriend. "Azeezah durling, I'll miss you," she said glumly, side hugging sad looking Azeezah.

Azeezah break their hug and guide her to the nearest bench, they sat down, "Ummilolo, I'll miss you too. Hope you won't forget about me? I told you Iyawo said I should go back to Ondo state, as I was only here for my studies," Azeezah said lugubriously, looking blankly at the ground. She's a Yoruba lady, her parents lived in Ondo state. She came to Kaduna for her studies, and she was living with her Uncle.

Ummi gave her a sympathetic look, she knew how Azeezah does'nt want to go back there, as she said she'll be doing all the chores, going to market, roaming round the streets under the blazing sun, which she so much despise. "Azeezah my dear, how can I forget about you? You've become a part of me. We'll be in contact insha Allah. Just get yourself a husband, to avoid all worries," Ummi winked jestingly, eagerly waiting to hear Azeezah's reply.

Azeezah smacked her shoulder playfully, wiping away her small irresistible tears, "You idiot, who can I marry then?" She asked, giving Ummi the you must be crazy look.

Ummi practically placed her hands over her chest "Why the look miss? I was just trying to help. You can marry that your over sentimental cousin, his love for you was palpable, so just give him a chance," Ummi said, and they both started laughing.

They were engrossed in their talking, laughing at their silly and crazy talks, when a voice intruded in their conversation. "Assalamu Alaikum, hope I'm not interupting something?" He said, standing beside Ummi, smiling at her.

She smiled back at him, "Ofcourse Mubarak, you are'nt. I was looking for you, I thought you won't come and see me before we all leave," she smiled warmly, holding Azeezah's hand so she can't leave. Mubarak was Ummi's friend for 2years, he was caring and loving, he was a very good and understanding friend. He never go across his limits, though he has some feelings for Ummi, he never for once let her know, as he knew about her heart break, and the promise she made to herself. He did'nt want to be heart broken too.

They nattered away for about thirty minutes before Ummi's phone started ringing, it was Ya Yusuf. As she has already named his number from 'Favourite bro' to 'Soul mate', a smile crept out of her lips, Ya Yusuf was always there for her, he was the only one that knew about her heartbreak, not even Ya Husna. He kept probing her until she finally told him, he felt sorry for her, he promised not to let any guy hurt her again, and she promised to let him know about any guy that tries to enter her life. She needed that love and care, and he gave her.

She gestured at Mubarak to remain silent, because Ya Yusuf will be freaked out when he get to know they're together. Not that he did'nt knew about him, but he was over protective.

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