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They were sitted in Hajiya's living room, all there faces were glum, emanating sadness and pain. Abba's expression can't be fathomed, he was furiously dailing a number on his phone, probably someone they were sitted for.

"Why would you make such a mistake, Al-amin? I told you to come back together, why will you leave her behind, where's your common sense?" Abba spatted out angrily, looking at Al-amin coarsely.

Al-amin looked up at Abba, trying so hard to suppress his happiness, he knew since she's not back he won't get him married to her, and this alone made his day. "Abba, it wasn't my fault, I even booked the flight for both of us, she said she has some courses she failed, but will be back in four days time. She had been recalcitrant since we went to UK, I can't make her do what she doesn't want to. She dress how she likes, move around how she wants, it's not my fault Abba," Al-amin spoke, the pain laced in his voice was palpable, he had had enough. She said she'll be back in four days, and that's the Nikaah day, but why is her phone not reachable? Did something went wrong?.

"You shouldn't be saying something bad about someone we didn't know of her situation, she might be in a bad situation, something bad might happen to her. We just have to pray for all to be well. And you should postpone the Nikaah till next week, that's when all is settled," Hajiya dictated, glumly looking at Abba and Uncle Mustapha. She was worried about Laila, she thought something bad happened to her there, she blamed Al-amin for leaving her behind, putting all the blame on him about Laila's bratty attitudes.

Abba looked up abruptly, he can't do what Hajiya said, what will he tell the people he had already gathered? That the bride didn't come back? Or it's a not sure love marriage they want to solemnize? This just can't be possible. What of his reputation? "I'm sorry, Hajiya, but the wedding has to be solemnized. Many people came for this wedding, we can't just tell them the wedding has been postponed, we're not kids, Hajiya," he sounded apoplectic, he's a gentle man, this kids can't just ruin his reputation like this, it has to be done.

"Are you telling me you'll marry him off to someone? Or what are you trying to do? The bride isn't around, so tell them that," Hajiya was now angry, it seemed they're not even worried about Laila, that's what pissed her off.

"Hajiya, please try and understand this, this is something that has to be done, we can solemnize the nikaah, and the celebrations can wait till she's back. Do reason with us, Hajiya," Uncle Mustapha quaked, worriedly looking at his wristwatch.

Hajiya heaved a sigh, glumly looking at them. It took them minutes before she spoke "You can do that then," she said and silently trudge to her room, without uttering another word.

"Alhamdulillah, go and call Ibrahim, we have to leave now," Abbas ordered and they all stood up and left the house.


Ummi woke up from the slumber she didn't know how, when, or where she fell into, rummaging her eyes around the room, she didn't realize where she was, until she percieved the smell people say hospitals has, it then somersaults in her; she's in the hospital, but how?.

"Alhamdulillah, she's awake," Anty Murja gulped, moving to the side of her bed, taking her hand in her's.

Ummi smiled ruefully at her, "Anty why am I here? Where is Mama and Ya Yusuf?" She asked, her eyes rummaging around the room, she saw Ummy, and some other relatives; smiling glumly at her.

"Listen Ummi, you'll be discharged now, Mama and Ya Yusuf are at home, Baba sent us here to look after you," Anty Murja answered lugubriously, her heart filled with so many emotions, she knew why she zoned out, it's just too much for her to bear.

Hearing the word 'home', Ummi's heart get back to the reason that made her zoned out. Her marriage, and today is the day for the Nikkah. "When will I be discharged Anty?" She asked lugubriously, trying so hard not to cry.

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