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"You!?" She yikes. "How did you come here" she asked, baffled.

"Calm down Aysha" Meeno said, comfortingly. "He also feign sick, so that he can be able to see you" she explained.

"Awwn so sweet of you" she said and yawed from his side.

"How are you feeling now?" Al-amin asked, sympathetically.

It's now he muster to asked me; how i feel, all this while.yuck!

"I'm feeling better" she answered.

"Get well soon dear, I'll take my leave"

"Okay, thanks for the care" she uttered.

As she heard the creak ajar, emanating he left. "Amina let's go please" she groaned.

"Hey! don't be pugnacious" she snapped. "We first have to confirm that you're okay"she added, sympathetically.

"Amina trust me, I'm good to go. I don't want to stain their bed" she yowled.

"Ohhhh, it's now that i understand what you meant"she giggled. "Let's hurriedly decamp before the nurse come in"

She was scrambling to the hostel, Meeno supporting her.

"Hey!" Teacher ma'aruf called."where are you from" he asked.

They frenzed. Meeno mustered to answer.

"Sir, we're from the sick bay"

"But you're suppose to be escorted by the nurse"he curiously asked.

"Yes sir,we've waited for him but he didn't return and she is yearning to bathe"Amina extempore, extenuatingly.

"Ok you can go then" he ordered.


Mama:hello Husna.

Husna: hello, Good afternoon Mama.

Mama:Fine. How's your studies?

Husna:Alhamdulillah (All thanks be to Allah) how's Sulaiman?

Mama:he's fine, Husna you should come back during the weekend, your father have to discuss something with you.

Husna: Ok Mama, I'll just call him. i can't come back our examination will be in two weeks time so i have to get myself ready.

Mama:No, it's crucial, you should just come back dear.

Husna:Okay Mama, I'll insha Allah.

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