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Ahhhhh home at last! Ummi hushed, sitting on sofa; removing her socks.

They just came back from school, Ya Yusuf took her up.

"Ummi!"Mama called from kitchen.

"Yes mama" she answered.

"Quickly come and have your breakfast dear"

"Ok mama I'll be down soon, i just need to fresh up"

"Alright do fast please, your food is getting cold"


"Mama i didn't see Sulele" Ummi asked.

"Ohhhh it's not yet time for their closing, its friday you know; he'll soon come back"

Suddenly, they hear the creak ajar "salamu Alaikum" Sulaiman Salaamed.

"Wa'alaikumus salam" they answered in unison.

"Ya Ummiiii!!!"He yelled.

"Sulele!" She yelled back and embrace him.

"Go and take your shower dear,so that you wont be late for mosque" Ummi ordered.

"Okay, will be back in a jiffy just wait for me please" he pleaded.

"No Sule i need to fresh up and have some nap uno. I'm exhausted, we'll chat later" She cajoled, patting his shoulder lovingly.

"Okay" he said and advance to his room. Ummi advance to her room and groggily lay on her bed. ohhh how i miss my sweet bed.

She went to the bathroom and took a soothing shower for thirty minutes, wrap herself in a bath robe. She moved to the dressing mirror apply some lotions and kohl because she's not in the mood for make up.

She advance to her drawer,scavenge for her phone; plug it on charge and lay on her bed, ready to sleep.

In a jiffy; mother nature took her to dream land.


She woke up; perform Duhr and Asr prayer because its time for Asr also. She suddenly advance to Sulele's room to chat with him because she's really bored and missing her friends.

"Autah are you inside?" She asked, when the door creaked ajar.

"Yes I'm in, just playing some games on my tab"he answered.

"I've came to your room and saw you sleeping, I don't want to disturb you that's why i came to my room and play some game before you wake up. Mama is also sleeping" he added, shifting to the other side of the bed; making a space for her to sit.

They nattered away for two hours. They were playing a game when they heard the cracking sound of kitchen utensils which indicate that someone is in the kitchen. They all know it's Mama so they move down to the kitchen.

"Mama when did you wake up?" Ummi asked, sitting on the kitchen island.

"For like thirty minutes"Mama answered.

"Okay let me help you chop the veggies" she offered and Mama thrust her the bowl. She collect the bowl and start chopping the veggies.

Ummi was arranging the warmers when she heard the adhzan for Maghreb prayer (Muslims prayer). She advanced to her room, perform wudhu, spread the prayer mat and started praying.

She was saying her azhars when it somersaulted in her that she didn't update her diary. She stretch to where her luggage is and scavenge for the diary, Suddenly she started writing in it..

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