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A/N:Ummy is her cousin, while Ummi is our Aysha. Note the difference.

Sitted on a metal bed, a typical tradition old woman bed, was Laila and Hajiya. It was a typical old woman room, in it was a metal bed at the left side, a walk-in closet, a fridge, and her mirror. There are alot of things under the bed, and alot of boxes at the right corner. A typical old woman room. Abba brought almost five mordern beds, but Hajiya said she wants her bridal bed, the one her parents bought for her, he had no choice than to let her.

Hajiya was probing Laila, she realized how Al-amin was always ignoring her, always don't talk to her. She was curious, and Laila told her he loved her too, but why the cold treatment?. She asked Laila for the umpteenth time, if there is any problem between them, but her answer was always 'nothing is wrong, he just needs some space.'

Hajiya's facial expression suddenly changed, she does'nt want to think about anything that will come between these two, she was happy because he's no more talking about that girl she so much despise. "Laila, tell me what's wrong please, I can talk to him myself,"Hajiya said lugubriously, she's getting worried.

Laila chuckled outwardly, she sees no reason for Hajiya to be worried about, even if she does'nt love Al-amin, that won't make any change, she must marry him. And same goes to him, he have no choice. "Hajiya, nothing is wrong, don't worry please, he still loves me," she sighed dramatically, rolling her round lulu eyes.

Hajiya heaved, she feel a little bit relieved, she knew Laila will not lie to her, but what kept gnawing at her was; did he really get over that so called girl he loved? "What about that girl? Are they not together now?" Hajiya asked curiously.

Laila let out a hearty laugh, this is what she had been waiting for. She promised herself that even if Al-amin won't marry her, she makes sure that girl won't have him too.

With a wicked smile on her lips, she sauntered to where her luggage was, opened the last zip, took out an envelope and walked to where Hajiya was sitted, looking at her confusingly.

She sat beside Hajiya, thrust her the envelope, patted her lap, "Hajiya, check this out, I'm sure even if there is problem, this will help us out," she said, the mischievious smirk not leaving her lips.

Hajiya kept looking at her stupefyingly, what is inside the envelope? Did she predict any problem sooner? And why will this envelope help them out?.

She shifted her gaze on her envelope, before she could utter a word, Laila was at the door, she turned "Hajiya this should be our little secret please, don't tell anyone about it, not even Yaya. It will be of great use to us," with that, she sauntered of the bedroom, dailing a number on her phone.

She entered Hajiya's parlour, which was completely different from the bedroom, so modernized and unique. It was a black and ash parlour, the sofa's were ash with stripes of black, the windows were covered with beautifull black curtains, her Television set and speakers were black, and an ash center rug was beautifully placed in the center of the circled sofas.

She flopped on the sofa backing the entrance door, one can see what she's doing if entered. Her grin grew wider when the face of the most lovable person to her appears on her phone's screen, "hey L, how're you doing?" She smiled, which he reciprocated with a blowed kiss.

She was so engrossed with her phone, when the door creaked ajar, she does'nt heard the footsteps of the person, nor did feel someone's intense gaze on her. "Bye L, I love you," she said, blowing him a kiss, which he practically catched, they both laughed affectionately and she hang up.

Shifting her gaze on the television, her gaze fall on a frustrated Al-amin, she was startled, when did he enter?, she wish he does'nt heard what she said to Laith. Ya Ilahi, he looks nothing but angry, broken, shattered, did he heard her last statement?

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