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"Salamu Alaikum" Ya Husna salaamed, while entering the parlour looking hot and frazzled.

"Wa'alaikumus salam" mama answered friskly, coming out of the kitchen.

"Asma'u you're already here?" Said Mama, sitting on the sofa.

"Yes Mama, how's the house?" Husna asked, sitting beside Mama.

"Fine Alhamdulillahi,how's your studies?"

"Mama everything is fine. Why is the house so quite? is Sulaiman not back from masjid?" She asked scrutinizing the house.

"Yeah he's not yet back. And he went out early,claiming he wants to listen to the Imam's khudba.

"Ahh our last born is all growned up. What of Ya Yusuf? he called me yesterday; saying he is coming back today"said Husna.

"Yeah, you know Yusuf. He love night trips,may be he's coming down after Asr. You should have follow him"

"Mama i'm eager to see you guys, i can't wait for Ya Yusuf wlh" Said Ya Husna, pouting her lips.

"It's okay then, go and refresh then you'll have lunch okay?" Mama ordered.

"Ok mama"

Yusuf is working in Abuja in Baba's friend's company while husna is studying at Baze University.

One can only hear the 'cling' sounds made by spoons because it's unislamic talking while eating.

"So you're graciously munching on your foods without waiting for me huh?"She feign hurt. Sitting on a chair beside Sulaiman.

"Lahhhh Ya Husna when did you come back? Mama didn't tell me i would've wait for you wlh" said Sulele, grinning from ear to ear.

"It's nothing Sulele keep shut before Mama hit you"

Suddenly Husna joined them. When they finish;she took the plates, made the dishes and advanced to where Mama and Baba were sitted.

"Good afternoon baba,how's the friday?" Ya Husna greeted, squatting a little.

"Fine Husna. How was your studies? I taught you're coming together with Yusuf" Said Baba,fixing his gaze on the television.

"Studies Alhamdulillah. Yes baba, i can't wait for him. He's coming down after Asr (Muslims Prayer).

"It's Okay then. Since you're back"

She then grips Suleiman's hand and advanced to her room to give him his gifts. Leaving Mama and Baba alone.

"Hajia, i think its high time for us to marry out husna"Said Baba, adjusting his eye glasses.

"Yes it is,but am thinking of why won't we leave it until she's in her third year,you know how marriage of now adays are; one year of marriage and they'll start giving birth. And the burden will be too much for her. But if it remains one year for her she'll finish her studies before she conceive. Albeit we plan and Allah plans;and he's the best of planners" Mama stated.

"Yes really this is a very good idea, let's leave it till then"Baba murmured.


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