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"Ummi wake up,it's fajr time" baba called.

"Okay baba" she answered and prowled to the toilet,perform her ablution and exited the toilet.

She is still on the prayer mat ruminative Ya Allah! I can't get over this, did that means i was jilted by Al-amin yesterday or what? She hushed. Just the thought of it terrifies her.

She slept on her prayer mat pouring her mind out to Mudabbirul Umur, she can't bear loosing Al-amin, Allah knows she love him dearly, Fisabilillah.


"Ummi what's wrong with you today? You're no more yourself, you kept playing with your food it's almost Asr time;eat something mana"said aunty sympathetically sitting besides her in the dining table. She didn't come out until rabab came back from school and she shangai her to come out and eat something,aunty had tried her best but the young girl seems to have a shangaing prowess.

"Aunty it's nothing wallahi,i'm just thinking about my future. I don't know if i'll study medicine or not,that's what is disturbing me. You know baba,he's adamant of what he says albeit we didn't talk about anything concerning my studies"she laid albeit it's also disturbing her but deep down she's ruminative for what happened yesterday. She don't even know who the girl is and Al-amin didn't call her to apologize. May be he really needs the privacy.

"Whatever it is you should'nt starve yourself to death ummi, you have to talk to him in the first place before going all day glumly ruminative about this,in lieu of you to keep praying for the best"said aunty lugubriously.

"Ok aunty i'll talk to him today insha Allah"she gave her a ruefull smile amd dug in her food.

"Aunty i want to get some nap, when Rabab is back tell her not to wake me up please,i had a terrible night yesterday"she said and advance to her room claiming she wants to get some nap but she knows she can't. Who's she kidding.

"I want to get some nap but his face always pooped in my head. I don't know what i've done but he treats me so bad, he should have called and apologize even if he's not around that girl *don't know her name* picks the call he should've call amd ask my well being, but he didn't,i'm broken. But why can't i get him off my mind? It's not even two weeks that we started dating but his love embedded in my heart, Ya Allah i was so dumb of not being astute before accepting his love, may be it's palpable he's going to cheat on me, break me, but i'm too stupid to realize it. Ya Arhamar Rahimin see me through this."she wiped away her tears with her thumb,scribbling the last words and closed her diary.

"Rabab what are you doing here? Didn't aunty tell you i said you shouldn't wake me up?"she said suddenly rather glumly.

"She told me to come and wake you up, may be you didn't pray asr and the it's time for maghrib already just that the adzhan is not yet called"she answered and sits beside ummi looking at her ostentatiously.

"Oh my god! I've thinking about a guy who didn't even care about me that i've forgot pray and pour my heart to the all-hearer" she scurriedly advanced to the toilet,perform her ablution and come out monotoning "Astagfirullah".

When they finished praying,ate their dinner and watching a korea film melody of love❤ rabab came and sits beside her with a book in her hands probably it's an assignment. "Ya ummi please help me do this assignment i can't"said rabab pouting her lips and fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously.

She's never nervous around ummi but may be the way ummi treats her coldly today made her be.

"Yes ummi please, it's English and you know i don't understand this your English,help her please she've done the rest"aunty chirped in sitting on one of the sofas focusing her gaze on the TV.

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