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A/N:Ummy is her cousin sister while Ummi is our Aysha❤💋. Don't be ruminative🎀.

24th december

Ummi squinted her eyes and groggily get up from the bed, shooting daggers at Ummy for waking her up; though she's on her period. It started yesterday so today is the day for the pain.

"You're such a pain in the neck, you know i'm on my period" she yowled.

"Keh!its not my blankety-blank fault, Mama said i should wake you up,you know visitors were trooping in since yesterday, so breakfast things and all"

She just hissed and entered the toilet, bathe and exited the toilet.

"You're too sluggish" Ummy huffed. "i've been waiting for you since, but you're not ready up till now. It's almost 6, we have to go and help them with the breakfast, you should hurry up abeg".

"Hey young lady! i'm shagged yesterday and you waking me up at 5am is not an easy thing to cope with. Its either you wait for me or just leave me alone please, body no be firewood. You're such a nagger" Ummi snapped, applying lotions on her body.

"Will you please stop giving this your lame excuses? Because they will not be accepted here. It's better to make things snappy"Ummy retaliated.

She just headed to her closset and scavenge for a plain A-shaped ankara gown with its matching veil.

After she applied kajole. "Lets go"she hushed.


The house is boisterous.  Ugh! she hates crowd. Its 6am and already children were frolicking in every crevice and corner of the house. Some were crying while others playing with the higgledy-piggledy pure water sachets and so.

The Mashi's were there frying kosai(beans cake) and making pap(koko).The house is just loathsome.

They met Anty Murja at the kitchen already cooking for Mama's and Baba's special quests, so they will just be handhelp.

"Good morning Anty Murja" they greeted in unison.

"Morning kannen Amarya(morning brides sisters) you're already lushing wlh, it seems tare aka maku dilka da Amaryannan"she teased.

"Ahhhh, No Anty, i'm not lushing. May be Ummi is looking like that" Ummy said, smirking.

She snubbed what Ummy said and drifted to where Anty Murja was cooking.

"Anty what will we help you with" Ummi asked.

"No I'm ok, you guys look flaccid. Especially you"Anty Murja said, gesturing at Ummi.

"Yes Anty, i was soo tired yesterday and this good for nothing girl waked me up at 5am, while knowing i'm on my period and having menstrual cramps"she groaned, rolling her eyes at Ummy.

"Ohhh i'm so sorry sis, i did'nt know, i would'nt have wake you up" Ummy lamented, making her best puppy face.

"Its ok, lets hurriedly finish and you'll escort me to the hoslital before this cramp thing worsen"

They were cooking different types of dishes, Ummi was rummaging for a tray when her phone beeped. Notification sound.

A:hey! Good morning wifey, hope my breakfast will soon be on my door its 7:30 uno. Be a good wife please, and prepare for today; you know i told you its going to be crucial.

"Something most be wrong with this guy, what is he up to with the wifey things? anyway i will see what he is up to today, and its deadline no more till tomorrow. Ughh! This wifey things is really bizarre " she thought.

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