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She kept looking at them, without having the idea of who's she going to choose. Will she accept Al-amin's proposal and snub Laith's confession? She can't.

Her eyes darted at Al-amin, who's looking all but angry, waiting to see who she is going to choose, is she going to choose Laith?.

She quickly shifted her gaze to Laith, who's looking frustrated, waiting for her next move. She dont have any idea now, she's traped in a jungle!

Without uttering a single word, nor moving towards the direction of any of them, she quickly grisp Daisy's hand and sauntered out of the crowd, ignoring all the gushing sounds from the people. She left without glancing at any of them again, she's out of idea.

She took a cab to the dormitory, ignoring the weird glances she'd been having by people around her, as tears hadn't stop cascading down from her eyes.

She floped on her bed, letting a wail escaping her lips, she cried, she knew she had lost her Yaya, her first real love, the person whom she love wholeheartedly, the person she wished to marry. But she can't accept him in Laith's presence, she just can't!.

Inas sit beside her, patting her back, "I heard what happened, Laila," she said, stroking her hair back.

"What am I going to do Inas?" Laila said, slumping on her shoulder, sobbing.

"Don't worry dear Friend, aren't they guys? And you're a lady, they're a lot of tricks that you can use to convice them, tell them you both love them, and they must believe in you.

As for your Yaya, you know he loves you right? Then why worry? Just call Hajia and inform her, saying you guys wants your wedding to be solemnized when you're back. She'll be happy, and that marks it, you'll be his wife.

While Laith, he's very docile, especially for ladies, you just have to look breathtaking, meet him, hush some endearments to him, that will mark it. He'll be head over heels for you.

You can't just be crying like a baby, you're a lady; and very beautiful. Use your beauty, and fight for what you love and like!" Inas said, a mischievious smile plastered on her lips, giving Laila the don't-cry-anymore look.

Laila used her thumb and cleared her tears, a smile escaping her lips. Why didn't she think of doing such a thing? Is she really this dumb? She grinned, taking Inas's hands in her's "I have no words to thank you Inas, you always put a smile on my face, you always make me happy when I think their will be no more reason for me to be, you're really a friend anyone wish to have,"Laila said, hugging Inas. "Let me call Hajiya right now," she added and scavenged for her phone in her bag.

It rang twice before Hajiya's voice chirped in, "Yan makaranta, how are you guys doing? Hope everything is alright? Did he started acting soft? Like you saw some signs haka?" Hajia blabbered her questions, without taking a breath. She'd always been curious when Laila call her, always thinking may be it's because of Al-amin.

"OMG! Tsohuwarnan, one question at a time please. All your questions; the answers are 'fine'. And for Yaya; yes!" Laila answered, her voice filled with enthusiasm. She looked at Inas, who geatured at her to just tell Hajiya.

"Alhamdulillahi Yar nan, give him the phone let me tease him, ja'iri," Hajia chuckled, she sounds very happy, her wish is coming true.

"He's not here Hajiya, but he asked me to call you and inform you something crucial, but you first have to give me tukuici," Laila grinned, winking at Inas.

"Ok.... your tukuici will be a plastic of tuwon madara and baban dudu, so tell me. I'm eager please, hope it's a good news?" Said Hajiya, intriguingly.

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