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This chapter will be a bit emotional😢just be ready because you can cry if you're a cry-cry baby😂. Don't get me wrong,I miss my honey bunch🍯.

"Baba"she drawled her voice is amalgamated with sadness and confusion,glumly looking at him.

"Yes ummi,don't worry my dear,it will be alright insha Allah and the wedding won't be soon,but in 3-4 years time insha Allah,that's when both you and the husband grow up"said baba trying to soothe because he can see she's narked but trying to fake a normal expression,but it's palpable she's bamboozled.

"Ok baba,Goodnight"came her answer more like a whisper,she stood up and leave for her room bamboozled. Without snooping on the boys name or his family's. It's of no use to her.

"Goodnight my dear,don't be ruminative it's nothing"said baba.

She entered her room,locked it and sprawled on her bed glumly.

"What does this mean? Is baba jesting? Ya Allah see me through. I can't love anyone expect Al-amin wallahi, i won't tell him about this"she thought. "when it's time i'll tell him that i habe someone i love,i know he'll understand me"A smile plastered on her lips because she know baba will agree.

She shrugged the thought off "i won't let this disturbs me, i love Al-amin and he'll be my husband insha Allah"with that she pacify herself and advanced to the toilet.

She finished her shafa'i and wutr(muslims prayer) she prolonged in her last sujud"Ya Allah don't let this be my problem now or later" she spoke in a monotone drawl.

She layed on her bed vacantly staring at her window,contentment glinted in her eyes. You know that feeling when you finished praying,you'll feel all those rocks were lift-off from your shoulders. Indeed Allah is the greatest❤.


Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

"Ummi get up it's subh's(early morning prayer) time"said baba.

It's his daily routine to wake her up before going to the mosque even when she's off. Albeit he does'nt know she's off but she'll still answer him glumly. She hates it when she's off and somebody wakes her up for subh prayer.

I don't blame her,it's annoying uno?

"Ok baba"she answered and advanced to her toilet.

She's still on the prayer mat when it somersaults in her that she didn't call ummu. Their neighbour,she's her friend and they get along albeit ummi is 17 years while ummu is 15years but that does'nt make any difference.

Ummu don't kill me please😂😂😂 you're my younnnnngggerrrrr sister ai, but still i have to manage😭 Poor me😩😒😞.

U:hey idiot.

U:hello yeye child,to what do i owe this call?or are you planning on coming over?

U:hahahah,I'm already here since yesterday ai mumu.

U:Arghhh!!! But you did'nt tell me abi?you're not a good friend wallahi.

U:OMG!!! Ummi i'm very sorry wallahi,i slept off yesterday and you know lagos balmy weather so i can't help,My sleep is my number one priority you knows ai.

U:mtsww... i heard, since you didn't come yesterday we'll go out with ya aysha and sadiq around 4pm will you join us?

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