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"Go and call laila and Al-amin"Abba said to ihsan and sits on one of the sofa's beside Mami.

"Okay Abba"Ihsan said and run to call them.

"Ya Al-amin and Ya Laila,Abba is calling you" said Ihsan when she entered the living where they were watching a movie.

"Ok let's go Ya Al-amin"said laila, standing by his side. He shoot her a hot glare "Did he said we should come together? Just go abeg" he hissed and walk out. I'll soon get you young guy she thought and smirked.

"Abba you summoned us but you didn't say anything, lets not miss our flight. We have to go to Abuja" said Al-amin haltingly,looking up at Abba nervously, afraid he might said something improper.

"Ohh yeah Al-amin. As you all knows, you're leaving today and that means you guys will be independent, no one will correct you upon doing something bad, I hope you guys will be carefull, don't ruin your reputation"said Abba fixing his gaze on them.

"And for you laila, if not hajia's order i wouldn't have let you go, because raising a child nowaday is not easy, especially girls. A lady can be religious,well mannered,very sensible and her parents will be satisfied with her behaviours and decided to let her study abroad but the outcome is unpleasing. She'll start following boys, snapping pictures any how,forgetting how her parents brings her up. Promise us you'll never dissappoint us" Abba said looking up into her eyes hoping she really gets what he said.

"You should also be carefull Al-amin, it's not only girls that have problems, boys also have. Don't go around clubbing anyhow, chilling your life as you wish, thinking you can't be pregnant;that's the girl's problem. No you're mistaking boys, Ita zina bashi ce. When you destroys someones daughter's life, someone will also do same to your daughter or your sister or even the worst of it, your mother. Because it do happens nowadays. Fear Allah everywhere you're for it's the highest wisdom"Ammi said patting his shoulders,trying so hard to control the tears threatening to fall.

"We'll insha Allah Abba and Mami, Thank you so much. May Allah reward you with jannatul firdaus" they said in unison. Laila is already crying.

"You should take your leave, Ibrahim is already waiting for you guys" said Abba,standing up.

"Ok let's say our salaam" they answered and parted in different ways.

Laila came over since yesterday. Their flight is 2pm and they'll leave for kaduna early.

"I'm going to miss you Ya Al-amin"Ihsan said admist tears "Come back soon please" she hug him.

"I'll miss you too babe" he said patting her back soothingly.

"Won't someone miss me?" Laila asked feign hurt.

"I'll miss you too Ya Laila" ihsan said and hug her.

"Enough of this i'll miss you's, lets go abeg" said Ya Ibrahim irritatingly.

They move to where the car is entered, waving at them when Mami moves to Laila's side "Protect your chastity Laila, never let somebody take your virginity;it's your only pride as a girl. Once it's gone it will never be back,Be carefull"Mami hushed to her and she nodded in response.

"Bye" they yelled and zoom off.


"Aunty what will i cook for dinner?"Ummi asked sitting beside her closing the book she's reading Last Days At Forcados Highschool. She love the book and can read it every day without getting tired.

"Just fry plaintain and make a banana smoothie, I don't feel like eating something heavy today" said Aunty.

"What of Baba? You know he don't like all these light foods"

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