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She woke up with a smile on her face, a smile that seemed not to vanish. His words kept ebbing in her brain, it's prepossessing to know he still Love her.

She trust him, believe him, she know he'll never betray her, nor will he hurt her intentionally. He made that promise himself.

She prowled to the toilet, have her bathe and exited. She's too excited, she need to dance; dancing is something she do, when she's overly excited. Like she is now.

She need to dance vigourously, so she played Gwanja's Music, it's the music music that will blast her mind to the fullest.

She's swaying from side to side, clearing her room; when a call intrude her enjoyment.

Ugh! Who's this? She hissed irritatingly and place the phone on her left ear.

M:Hello Ummi.

U:Mama! How are you guys doing? I'm missing you over here wallahi.

M:We're doing fine Ummi, how's Maman Rabab?

U:She's fine Mama, how's Sulaiman?

M:He's fine. Husna and her husband are leaving tomorrow, you should call her please.

U:So soon? I'll call her Insha Allah.

M:It's better then.

U:Mama, something is really disturbing me, what if i rewrite the jamb and still didn't score well? I've wasted a year just like that.

M:That's what i'm thinking about Ummi, why won't you just start studying something? If you score the Jamb; it's fine then, you can leave the one you've started.

U:I'll talk to Baba about it, may be he'll agree.

M:May Allah see us through, my regards to Rabab.

U:Ameen, Thank you Mama.

She ended the call and dailed Husna's number, they nattered away for hours before Husna's husband came back; saying he needs something and they ended the call.

She advanced to the parlour and sits on the sofa; silently praying for what's the best for her. We might love something, not knowing it's bad. While we hate something, not knowing it's good for us. Allah knows, and we know not.


What he is feeling now is transmogrifying, he is guileless, he promised not to leave her for another girl, but why is he feeling something he once felt for her; for another girl? Did he hold unto his promise? Is he turning into a guile person? Or is it that he literally doesn't know what he love?

"Mi Corazón." She squealed and hugged him, sitting beside him, her head on his shoulder.

"Ciccino, how's the lectures? I've been waiting for you since." He said, patting her head, affectionately.

"A penny for your thoughts, Mi Corazón? I was screaming your name, but you were out of this world." She said, looking up at him. "Don't tell me you were thinking about her?" She hushed, just the mention of her name hurts.

"I was thinking about you, you really look beautiful. I love you Ciccino." He said, cupping her face with his hand. How can he tell her he was thinking about Aisha? It's preposterous.

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