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day fourty three:

i still don't
why im writing
to you.

but i need to
get some tension
off my chest.

did something

Jimin's writing was cut off the next morning by Taehyung exiting the bathroom and walking into the living room.

"Jimin, we need to talk."

He simply nodded.

"I don't want you to freak out because it won't be good on your health."

Jimin nodded again. He knew where this was going.

Taehyung plopped down on the same couch Jimin was seated at, finding a newfound interest in his fingers, as he fiddled with them.

"Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me." Jimin deadpanned.

"U-um well I-i.." he couldn't gather any words, his mind was completely blocked off, full of unsaid phrases and sentences. His phone rang and he slid the button to answer it.

Taehyung cracked a smile, boxy and wide, as usual, completely forgetting about his talk with Jimin.

"Alright, yeah, I'll see you then." He giggled and hung up, leaving the house without a care in the world.



letters to you。「yoonmin」{COMPLETED} (#wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now