Introduction ~ 2020 Edition ~

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Y/n's P.O.V:

Being back in England is such a strange experience, I know this is my home but I miss Aaliyah and the Mendes family so much, I might not be a blood relative but Aaliyah is almost my younger sister even though I'm 21 and her history tutor we share everything even if it's embarrassing. I've only moved back to England with the help of Karen since she was also visiting family over here but I need to finish my university degree so I can begin the process into becoming a fully qualified teacher but it's certainly been a rough two years of travelling between the two countries. Although I never really fitted in during my school years in Canada I adore coming back home because it's comforting and I can see y/f/n but I always have to Facetime Aaliyah at strange hours due to the 5-hour timezone however on Friday I'll fly back to Toronto to celebrate my 21st and Aaliyah's 17th birthday as Karen and Manny want to throw a bbq one afternoon before we head out during the evening which will be lovely cause it's always spiralling out of control when Karen brings out the champagne bottles and Manny puts on the karaoke machine.

I did wonder whether Aaliyah's brother would bother showing up cause we've never met I only see photos of him around the house with awards or hockey sticks, he seems pretty cute but I know very little apart from him being a year older than me. His jawline though is incredible but then all the Mendes family look stunning I wish I was apart of their bloodline because they have the talent, brains and looks it's a complete package. Not to mention his smile is a view to die for, like completely model-worthy in the photos but at the end of the day, he's off-limits since I'm sure he has a girlfriend and  Aaliyah would probably disapprove as I'm there for her and should be teaching with my sharpies and colourful mindmaps preparing Aaliyah for the exams along with coursework yet Netflix and Disney+ always gets in the way. But who am I kidding Shawn won't be there he'll be in LA or something that's what Aaliyah always says how she barely sees him during the year because of his job which is why I and her became so close as sometimes she goes through bad periods which are uncomfortable to chat about with parents present.

During today as I was attempting to write an essay about children on social media and how it affects their mental health, Aaliyah was distracting me by sending hundreds of pins on Pinterest of various balloon arches and doughnut walls along with big lights which spell out our names the theme was undecided between pastel or rose gold but Karen wanted to leave it as a surprise almost like a birthday present. Manny has our cakes under control they were top secret no one could know about them not even Karen, things were written in codes and times were scribbled down on pieces of paper Aaliyah told me last night how things were slowly arriving at their house and she wasn't allowed to go near the boxes in case she ruined the surprises. I'm already so excited to be on that plane just two days to go now until I touch down and we can party within reason of course since Aaliyah still has a couple of years left until she can legally come out drinking and partying with me.

*Two Days Later - Toronto*

My plane just hit the tarmac with a soft thump, the flight was long with minor turbulence yet I'm grateful to be back on the ground, I slightly pray that I can hurry through security so I can finally see Aaliyah again after being apart for almost a month. Karen had called me earlier this morning before I left England to let me know that she was the one meeting me at the airport since Aaliyah would be at school when I landed but we'd drive past her school to pick her up later today.

Seeing Karen stand by the exit gate with a huge smile on her face as she shouts and waves her arms about, I quickly run over to hug her. This is going to be such a good September and a party month if only I could stay here longer if that was possible. Plus now I've landed I'm closer to finding out more about Aaliyah's mysterious brother.

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