Chapter 30 - Most Likely

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Y/n's P.O.V

How I still have any viewers for my videos is unbelievable I have the worst uploading schedule in the world even Joe Sugg vlogs more than me. Plus my content isn't even that great, there are people with better channels than me I don't deserve my few hundred thousands subscribers. I need to work harder for them and show how much I appreciate them.

Some days I feel like I should delete my channel because I feel like people only watch my videos because they want to see Shawn or my famous youtuber friends, they don't care about me at all. Maybe filming more frequently will allow me to express my emotions instead of withholding them in my head cause that will only damage me further.

I hear my doorbell ring which pulls me out of my thoughts, I remove myself from the sofa and head to the hallway to open the front door to find Jack already prepped with lights and he has sweets with him.

*Time skip brought to you by Just My Type by The Vamps*

"Welcome back to my channel guys, how we all doing? Today I'm here with my good friend Jack Maynard" I say whilst Jack waves to the camera.

"Thanks y/n but why don't you tell them that I had to wake you up from a nap with a box of Maltesers so we could just film" Jack laughs nudging me.

"Shut up Jack! No one needs to know that, I mean you were the one who was complaining about the lack of KFC's in the area and how the closest one is like a 20 min walk away." I say poking his stomach. "Anyway today we are going to be playing who is most likely to and I have got some questions from the tweets you sent in alongside to pieces of paper with one saying Me! and the other being Jack"

"Hold up I don't have a Jack? I have a Me! and Y/n where's my Jack? I've lost him" Jack fake cries leaning on my shoulder.

"Anyway, the first question is who is most likely to eat food from a bin?" I automatically hold up Jack whilst he shows Me!

"Obviously, it depends on the food and how desperate I am" Jack laughs.

"Oh obviously is it ha ha, who is most likely to go missing at a festival?" Jack holds up me and I shout me.

"Y/n is that type of person who would wait hours to see someone and would push her way to the barrier or fight for her spot standing in the front row." Jack says as I nod in agreement. "Although we all know that there is an exception involving a particular artist will give her special treatment" Jack smirks.

"Oh my life Jack shut up! Don't give them any ideas, I actually hate you right now" I say covering my red embarrassed face. "We are not going to bring this up again, I'd like to keep some things private" I lightly punch his shoulder.

"Fine, fine, I'll drop it what's the next question?" Jack asks holding his hands up in surrender.

"Who is most likely to spend all their money on something stupid?" I hold up Jack whilst he holds my name. "Oi what stupid thing would I buy Jack?" I ask.

"Well I know how much you love the store Jack Wills so I can assume that you'll buy out the whole store before you spend hundreds in MAC and then if you have any spare you'll head into McDonald's" Jack announces proudly "Also I'm sure you'd purchase a plane ticket to go see your lad as well" Jack laughs.

"Right okay now I'm scared how well you actually know me, I think you win that question all I was gonna say is you'll buy millions of inflatables and turn your flat into a giant play center because you're such a child" I laugh.

*Time skip brought to you by 5 SOS new music video for  Valentine*

Jack left a brief moment ago and now I'm stuck here editing the video ready for it to be uploaded tomorrow night, we might've spent longer than what I originally intended to spend filming but it was kinda relaxing having a laugh with a mate.

I feel like creators deserve more credit for the videos that they produce because t seriously drains you recording all day only to then waste your evening away editing the heck out of the potential content in order to find the best moments to upload.

Slowly as the hours slip away I feel myself creating a sofa crease just like Daniel Howell, my phone buzzes beside me. Looking down at the phone ID I see Shawn's name light up my phone.

Shawn: What are you doing 8th August? x

Me: Nothing at the moment, might be filming why? x

Shawn: Would you come to Amsterdam with me? x

Me: I don't have the money to afford a plane ticket though x

Shawn: Who says you're paying for it? I want you there with me so I'm going to fly you x

Me: You can't pay for everything, I do make money to I mean it's not a lot but it's still something for me to split the cost x

Shawn: Look you in or not? I'm not going to argue about money with you again x

Me: Yeah I'm in as long as it's only a day x

Shawn: No promises hun x

Leaving my phone alone I go back to editing, I still need to prepare for Summer in the City and now I have to pack for Amsterdam all in the matter of a few days. If anything I'll have to sort out more content on the trip because I can't turn up to a panel without anything decent to say or what if they want me on a stage to sing I need a song.

It's not like I can even get out of this trip because it's his birthday and he personally invited me to join rather than Andrew inviting like what tends to happen during any of his special events. However, this could be a huge social occasion and personally I don't handle them situations very well because there's normally so many people who I don't know and I hate introducing myself to new people. But with Shawn then he'll calm me down and stop me from panicking although people may start assuming things are happening between me and Shawn which will start hurricanes of gossip which leads to the papers.

Maybe I'm just over thinking, I don't need to worry about possible events which might not even happen I just need to enjoy the present and live in the moment which for me right is bed since my phone is telling me that it's approaching 11:45 pm.

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