Chapter 12 - I'm Not Ready For This

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Y/n's P.O.V

Since Aaliyah was out for most the evening and Shawn's parents were going on a date, he decides to stay round mine instead of going home in the afternoon as he doesn't want to be home alone right now. He tells me he would rather be with me than go home just to call me.

We're currently cuddling in my bed as I put on Mamma Mia since I won our rock, paper, scissors competition. It feels perfect being here right now with him and I can see my self being here with him in the near future.

As I'm quietly singing along to Dancing Queen, Shawn's phone glows up. He reluctantly pulls an arm away from me to reach his phone.

Aaliyah: I don't need you to pick me up x

Shawn: Where are you? x

Aaliyah: I'm with Zara still, going to stay round hers x

Shawn: Okay Liyah just let mum know x

Aaliyah: I will don't worry, hope y/n is okay x

Shawn: Love you Liyah x

Putting his phone down, Shawn wraps his arm around me again this time pulling me closer.

"Since Aaliyah doesn't need me to pick her up I could always stay the night here" Shawn says with a small smirk.

"I think you should, I don't want you to leave" I say snuggling into him.

"I'm not leaving you babe" Shawn says kissing my cheek.



"Well that's a new name" I say with a light laugh.

"It suits you and I don't have anyone else to call babe right now" Shawn says pulling me on top of him.

I wish we could be frozen like this stuck in this moment, it's as if we're two puzzle pieces coming together.

We fit perfectly.

God what I would do to earn myself a kiss from him right now, his brown hair slightly messy and his piercing brown eyes which look stunning. Millions of girls would be dying to be in this position or some lads wanting to be this close to Shawn.

But I'm not entirely ready for this I mean for all I know he's just messing around and being his charming self. This is all probably in my head and it's just a silly little dream that's never going to come true.

For the rest of tonight me and Shawn were just cuddling along with getting to know each other better. I must admit this boy has charm and he's so like Aaliyah you can tell they're siblings.

However, some part of me feels like this is just a phase I mean it sounds far too good, plus at the same time I can't risk losing my best friend. Maybe I should put an end to this flirting before we go too far and everything spirals out of control.

I mean it's my final year of school I need to focus on education and what I want to do in the future. If I'm with Shawn I know my head will be all about him and I'll be missing him and wanting to be with him which will have a negative impact on my school work. I have to get into university and with the Christmas holidays so soon I'll have to go back to England.

Maybe I need this weekend break to clear my head and find my true feelings.

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