Story Filler, New Year

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A/n: This isn't a full chapter but it will explain where Shawn and Y/n are after Christmas and new year especially since the whole aftermath after the EMAs.

Shawn: Ever since December after he finished his Illuminate world tour, Shawn went back to Toronto with the company of Hailey. Though he tries to push her away each passing day until she gets the hint that he doesn't want her but this never happens. The tabloids were pushing this relationship even though all he needs is y/n.

Christmas was spent at his family home with Aaliyah ignoring him the whole holidays as she had lost one of her best friends. Karen spoke to Shawn and he explained to her the whole situation between him and y/n, with his mum telling him to go find her. Manny was completely normal with Shawn as he had no clue about his sons potential relationship even though he also has negative opinions on Hailey but Shawn reassurances him there is nothing going on and how the whole situation is a misunderstanding.

The fans were equally unhappy about Shailey and believes Shawn's words when he says it's nothing. On the other hand the Mendes Army loved Shawn's relationship with you and couldn't wait for the day that the two of you will reunite.

Group chat: LADS LADS LADS

Charlie: Mendes you smashed the EMAs so proud

Shawn: Thanks I guess it was a good night

Niall: Can we forget about that night

Charlie: Why?

Shawn: It's my fault...

Charlie: What happened though?

Justin: Hailey...that's what

Shawn: Why do I mess things up, I didn't even push Hailey away UGH

Niall: Well that's the consequence you face

Charlie: Damn I'm sorry mate

Shawn: I don't even know where she is but Hailey won't go away

Justin: She's like that, she latches onto and creates problems

Shawn: I've completely lost her

Y/n: For the last month and a bit y/n was back living in England with her Aunt in London. It was the best decision she made as it allowed her to work out what she needs and wants. With all the thinking over she knew that she still likes Shawn and wants him bad.

Shailey had died down a bit in the tabloids by now, since y/n wasn't talking to Shawn at this moment she was talking to Andrew every week without fail. Over the last month her and Camila were becoming best friends who spoke everyday, y/n knew that she had to go back to Canada but not right now since she had re-registered back into her old school to complete her final year.

Though y/n was great forshe had her closest and oldest friends still there by her side. They've helped her over come so much but for some reason Shawn could never leave her head.

Group Chat: Costa Lads

Katie: Y/n hun are you okay? x

Y/n: Not really x

Ellie: Awe y/n sending hugs to you x

Will: Yeah! we're here for you

Y/n: Thank you guys, love you all x

Ellie: I'm sure he never wanted to be near Hailey anyway x

Katie: Ellie is right, I mean he's not following her on any social media platforms and he hasn't posted a single photo with her x

Y/n: Lads I don't wanna talk about this anymore x

Katie: That's understandable

Will: Costa lads?


Katie: Great idea x

Ellie: I don't know lads x


Katie: There's always one 😂 x

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