Chapter 15 - Messed Up

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Shawn's P.O.V

Ever since y/n assumed that I was getting with another girl, I've been trying to change her assumptions from spending almost every day with her when I'm not in the studio. As well as picking her up from school, then taking her shopping even though she refuses to let me buy anything.

Thankfully the paps haven't taken pictures of us, I mean she is a family friend so they're used to seeing us together there's no rumours about a relationship.

Even the fans are so accepting and being kind about me and y/n together but that's mostly because they love the friendship that her and Aaliyah have with all the banter between them.

Though recently things have changing between us, London was great we done all the tourist attractions such as the London eye we also went out to eat at y/n's favourite restaurant called Bodeans which was in Tower Hill a place that I've never been to before. We were shopping down Oxford Street and went to Leicester Square to the M&M World before I took her out to see Kinky Boots down the West End.

Honestly, that mini break was perfect I mean my feelings for y/n strengthened not to mention the fact we went out partying after me wining at the EMAS.

Both me and y/n won best dressed for our stunning outfits at the after party. I couldn't take my hands or eyes of y/n, the dress fitted her petite figure so well. I needed her there and then.

However things soon went bad as whilst we were at the awards Hailey Baldwin was also at the awards. I said hello to Hailey whilst with y/n but the press had managed to cut y/n out of the photo making it look like I was alone without y/n.

The press soon caught on about her appearance and automatically created drama between me and y/n. I wanted to be with y/n so badly but every newspaper had photos of me and Hailey together.




Which damaged our relationship so much that now I'm back home in Toronto y/n has flown back to England for Christmas to see her family and hasn't spoken to me since we got home.

I swear when we were in the hotel room back in London I heard y/n crying and on the phone to someone, but I never brought it up in conversation after all this was my fault.

Now it's the 23rd December I've got Hailey in Toronto with press going wild and all I want is y/n. None of my fans appreciate me being with a new girl and have hashtags going round begging for y/n to comeback.

Maybe I should leave Toronto and head over to the UK to reunite with y/n, like in London after we were on the London Eye we almost kissed until y/n pulled away last minute. Maybe the photos and press were too much, I mean she has a lot going on right now.

Too many maybes, Shawn you f***** up big time.

Now you have a girl you don't want who keeps messaging you whereas the girl you need wants nothing to do with you.

Brilliant, just brilliant. You're such a smart lad.

Andrew's P.O.V

The headlines today read...




That boy what am I going to do with him.

Shawn says he wants y/n but then this happens. I get he's young but him and y/n have that connection. It doesn't seem right, I mean these photos with Shawn hugging Hailey that should've been y/n.

I wonder how the poor girl feels, I need to check up on her.

When looking at different articles I see there's a smaller image attached to Shawn's article. In these images it shows y/n walking somewhere with Niall Horan now I don't know where they were heading but it certainly wasn't the award show. However, I saw from Niall's Instagram that he was there in the arena without y/n.

Did she leave? Maybe she saw Shawn.

Niall's P.O.V

Last night was crazy with everything that went on between y/n and Shawn, I was in the middle of the problem.

Thankfully, I managed to persuade y/n to come to the after party and she spent most of the night with me whereas Shawn I don't know about since I didn't really see him. But I made eye contact with Hailey so I presume that they went to the party together.

Though after last night I think he's damaged any hopes of getting with y/n since the news has spread of him and Hailey together, plus when I was looking through Instagram this morning various fan accounts have images and videos of him and Hailey together back in Toronto.

I know for a fact that y/n is still in the UK catching up with her old friends and family members but I can't stand having the two of them not talking to each other, it  just doesn't feel right. I am seeing y/n later though just to see how she's doing because for a girl who isn't use to media and being in the limelight I am sure she's panicking.

Y/n's P.O.V

I just want to forget last night and everything that happened. I may have lost Shawn but I certainly gain a friendship in Niall which I'm grateful for since he's been helping me cope with all the media attention.

Now I know Shawn and Hailey are happily together it's only right for me to leave Shawn's life, maybe even leave Canada and move back into the UK. Niall has a spare room I could live with him for a bit until I have money to live on my own or something.

I have to get Shawn out of my head even though I know it's going to be hard but I'd hate to ruin his happiness.

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