Chapter 24 - Out of The Blue

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Y/n's P.O.V


Who could be knocking at the door at this of the day, it's far too early for people. I slowly open the door to reveal Shawn with Andrew standing behind him.

Hang on what?

"Shawn?...What...what are you doing?" I ask with confusion filling my face.

Did he seriously get a plane to England or am I imagining things.

God he looks so perfect right now. I mean with that smile he's just to die for I can't cope.

No y/n you're supposed to be mad at him don't fall in love with him.

I thought he was with Hailey anyway, he should be with her on holiday not on my doorstep.

"We need to talk" Shawn says.


What is there to talk about, it's almost like we don't know each other anymore.

We've already grown apart.

"You've had months to talk Shawn, not now" I say trying to shut the front door. This boy has a nerve coming here.

I can't do this, I'm about to break down in front of him. Y/n pull yourself together, please don't cry it'll be embarrassing for yourself.

"Y/n no listen...I'm sorry" Shawn says putting his foot against the door trying to stop me from shutting it.

My head is telling me to close the door and start again without him but my heart is telling me to let him speak and keep the door open as I need him.

How dare he randomly show up at my door and ask to talk to me.


Just because he's a global celebrity doesn't mean he has the ability to gain my forgiveness by just randomly showing his face. We haven't spoken for months and only now does he think it's the right time to say we need to talk.

Well he can go away!

Out of all the things he could've said and he chose to say we need to talk, I didn't even get a hello or how you been.

The lads a joke.

I mean I'm sad that I shut the door on Andrew I would've let him in but not Shawn there's no chance. Yes I miss him but that's beside the point he should've done this within the first month not hide away in Jamaica or whatever writing his songs.

We didn't even talk over Christmas and he knows that's my favourite holiday. I can't believe that he thinks he actually had a chance of me talking to him.

Maybe it is time to post the video, people need to know the truth of why we don't talk anymore. It's clear he's copied fine without me these last months why only now has he appeared back in my life.

I need a girl chat with Camila she'll know what to do. She's been through this before plus Cami has great life advice. Even though she'll probably tell me to grow up and stop being a stupid little girl and get the guy I like.

What about a call to Niall though he know's Shawn so well at least better than me, they're so close I bet Niall knows what Shawn is thinking right now and what his next moves are going to be.

"Y/n please open the door, let me speak" Shawn says as his voice cracks just like he's about to cry.

Y/n be strong, take a breath and think. Do I really want to talk to him what possible consequences could occur if I open the door.

1) I allow Shawn in to talk and we patch things up and remain friends
2) He explains himself and I don't forgive him
3) Shawn talks and expresses his true feelings and we kiss
4) I just close the door and walk away

"Look I know you hate me and that's understandable but please I need you" Shawn mumbles his last words.

I should open the door but my hands not even trying to turn the handle, it's just stuck.

I'm completely motionless. God Andrew must be laughing at us right now.

He needs me. My heart just stops. He's just playing with my emotions.

"I guess this is goodbye then" Shawn says quietly through the tiny gap in the door.

Am I ready to say goodbye to him?

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