Chapter 25 - My Heart Takes Over

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Andrew's P.O.V

Never in my life have I seen something so heartbreaking.

I thought Shawn had this in the bag, but clearly I was proven wrong judging by y/n's actions towards him. For a small girl she does manage to have a lot of power. I knew the situation between them was bad but never would I have imagined it to be as sour as what I've just witnessed.

But for a second I swear I saw a small glimpse of a smile on y/n's face, I don't know if that's because she saw Shawn or she was happy to see me. I mean she loves me like an uncle except I'm young and trendy.

They're supposed to be two kids who are young and in love that go out exploring the world. Instead I've got a girl who's been hurt and now hates the lad who messed up, both people in deep sorrow. Today has just been awful however it shows how bad Shawn messed up in the first place. Y/n's isn't the girl who gets into relationships often in fact when we were talking I found out that she had never been with anyone before, she spoke to other lads but never ended up dating them.

Y/n was willing to date Shawn even though he would be her first boyfriend but obviously y/n would never tell Shawn this as to her it was embarrassing to be 18 and never been with anyone, she thought he would laugh and call her a nun. Shawn and Hailey clearly broke y/n and made he realise that Shawn wasn't worth it, I mean they weren't together then and he was already pictured talking to other girls who weren't her.

What more can I do, I cannot force them together.

They need time to heal maybe me and Shawn have arrived too soon back in y/n's life.

Shawn's P.O.V

I don't want to say goodbye to y/n my heart will not allow it.

Although it is broken from the door shutting on me it doesn't hurt as much as my foot. Y/n sure has a lot of strength that door hitting the side of my foot has clearly bruised it how it's not broken I don't know. I don't understand how in movies people don't yelp when they stick their foot between a door they're officially insane.

No one cares about your stupid foot Shawn, you're an idiot for even thinking you could stop a heavy door you're not Edward from Twilight. At the end of the day y/n doesn't want to talk with you or even look at your face so I need to leave. I'll just be a burden to her. Maybe everyone is right about the possibility of dating Hailey.

Just cause everyone might want that doesn't mean I want it though, I know I need y/n and she is my influence for the third album.

Just knock on her door again Shawn.
She loves you.

Y/n's P.O.V

I can't let him go.

I don't care what he's done I can forgive him and move on, but right now I need to hear him speak about that night and his version of events. Please tell me he's still on the other side of the door, I don't want him out of my life.

Slowly, I turn the door handle and open up my front door. Thankfully, I still see Shawn standing there even though he's now the one who looks heartbroken and on the edge of tears. I can't believe I mean that much to him but he might be crying over his foot. I mean who sticks their foot between a door, it's clearly going to hurt. He's not some supernatural human like Scott.

"Hey Shawnie" I whisper opening the door to its fullest.

"Y/n look I'm sorry I know it's been months and I'm an idiot for not talking to you but I saw how I hurt you so bad and I couldn't deal with seeing you cry" Shawn says as a single tear falls down his cheek.

"I just don't know what to say right now, but you're both welcome to come in" I say allowing them into the house.

Andrew walks in first and heads straight into the kitchen probably to give me and Shawn time alone or raid my aunts cupboards for food either way he wasn't near me and Shawn.

"So..." Shawn says rubbing his neck. "Are we gonna talk here or..." Shawn mumbles.

I have no idea what to talk to him about I cannot lose him again I've missed his presence and I just want to feel his touch again. I'll let him do the talking first because he can clear up all the rumours from the media.

"Here is fine, I mean I can get you a cup or tea or something I feel like this is going to be a long conversation" I say leading him to the sofa.

Why doesn't this feel awkward, I mean after everything that's happened there should be an awkward silence but there's nothing instead it's a comfortable vibe between us.

"You're just offering tea so you can get the tub of biscuits out, I'm not stupid y/n I know what you're like" Shawn chuckles.

"That's not true, I mean I do want biscuits but once I sit down I won't get up again so you'll have to make your own" I laugh.

"You're so lazy, you literally haven't changed" Shawn says smiling softly.

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