Chapter 31 - Ask Her!

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Shawn's P.O.V

I miss her, I miss her so much.

Just wish that I didn't have to leave her again so soon, I know that we've had our rough patches which have been caused by me but I hate leaving her. I might've fallen for her hard but I know she's meant to be mine no matter what happens to us if we stumble in the dark I know we will be alright.

I know she's not gone but like I feel like I need her close to me 24/7 not that I'm obsessed but I feel like I need her for emotional support lately especially with my career success growing by the thousands each day, I need to go back to my roots in order to keep me grounded.

If only y/n wasn't a student then she would have so much free time like me but I will never take her away from studying not when she's worked so hard aiming for university or an apprenticeship. I sometimes wish that her YouTube channel would kick off like mine and explode into fame just so she can travel the globe with me but I know that's a selfish wish.

Yes, I'm aware that tour is important but if I can get her away with me in Europe even just for a day it'll make me happy and I feel like it will make her happy too which is more than enough for me.

"Why doesn't she come to Amsterdam?" Andrew pipes up, making me jump sky high. Why does he always manage to jump scare me, I mean give me a break for once. I really should work on my jump scares so I can give him a taste of his own medicine and scare him for once.

"Dude, seriously!" I say. I know for a fact that y/n in Amsterdam would be a bad situation because I know how well she can handle her drink and she loves exploring so we'd be out for the whole night and that's not ideal when I still have to perform. I need my vital rest too, I can't screw up my voice.

"What? You were talking out loud so I thought I'd offer a suggestion" Andrew confesses. Trust him to voice his opinion he's like my relationship guru even though I don't think he understands how complex things could get.

"She's too busy for that mate, she does have a life without me you know" I say looking down at my phone screen of us together, it was the time my mum caught us having a Teen Wolf marathon one Christmas and we're both cuddled up in a Christmas blanket which was covered in polar bears and snowflakes.

"SHAWN JUST TEXT HER!" Andrew shouts at me "You won't know if she's busy until you actually ask her what she's doing" Andrew says. Talk about peer pressure much, they always want me to invite y/n to anything we arrange but the more things that I invite her to the more media attention she'll receive and I don't think she's ready for it.

Shawn: What are you doing 8th August? x

Me: Nothing at the moment, might be filming why? x

Shawn: Would you come to Amsterdam with me? x

Me: I don't have the money to afford a plane ticket though x

Shawn: Who says you're paying for it? I want you there with me so I'm going to fly you x

Me: You can't pay for everything, I do make money to I mean it's not a lot but it's still something for me to split the cost x

Shawn: Look you in or not? I'm not going to argue about money with you again x

Me: Yeah I'm in as long as it's only a day x

Shawn: No promises hun x

"Are you guys happy now! I've asked her to come Amsterdam" I say flapping my arms about. Maybe she wasn't busy at all, but she definitely has no clue what she's agreed to with all us lot. Although I should've told her that the lads will be there just give her some warning.

"We're happy for you but not as happy as you'll be once we're all there" Andrew says smirking "All I'm saying is that there's a shot with your name on it plus a few Jager bombs too coming your way" Andrew laughs. I admit that I love the taste of Jager bombs but one will do me just fine, I know Andrew can throw them back and Brian can easily handle them but sadly I'd like to be in the normal state of being able to walk home after drinking.

"We're not getting smashed though, I still have to sing" I say. After what happened last year on my birthday I do not need a repeat because the fans will turn me into another meme. I think enough memes have been created lately, plus last time they gave me shot after shot I was in the bathroom at 5 am throwing up just hours before I was going to perform on Good Morning America. No one likes screaming when you're hungover as well, god my head was pounding that day.

"Fine we get it, but that doesn't stop us from drinking all night" Andrew says. "Why don't you and her just walk round the city instead" Andrew says. How many days is it till the trip? Looks like I'll be the one looking out or these guys rather them look after me for once. Oh how the tables have now turned, I've got control now.

Bring on Amsterdam!

This is going to be the best birthday ever, I mean it'll be the one of the first times that I'm not in Canada for it but that doesn't matter I'll bring my inner circle out there in Europe to party. I mean like they say you're only 20 once. I better make the most of my time there, I better start planning tourist things for y/n and ordering decorations for the main party.

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