Chapter 18 - Time To Talk

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A/n: This book recently went passed 1,000 reads! It's crazy how many reads this book is getting after such a short time writing, hope you guys are loving the story just as much as I love writing these chapters

Andrew's P.O.V

Me and Shawn were prepping for the Grammy's launch party in New York City, he was currently having a haircut while I was sitting on the sofa in the salon scrolling through Twitter when I saw a series of tweets from y/n.

@y/n @jackmaynard Could you help me make a video? #AskJack

@jackmaynard @y/n Depends what the video is about

@y/n @jackmaynard It's something special, don't worry

@jackmaynard @y/n I'm down for that, cannot wait

Would someone be kind enough to tell me who this Jack guy is because I don't know him. Why would y/n want to make a video though it's unlike her, she always been such a private girl. I wonder if he's seen these tweets from her and what he thinks about her interactions with Jack.

I know y/n and Shawn are not together but I really wish they were, things were better back then. Even now Shawn is still feeling low even though he keeps reassuring me that he's fine when I know for a fact that he's lying.

If only I could get the two of them alone in a room or even on a facetime call just so they can both clear the air, this isn't how young love is supposed to be. Y/n likes Shawn and Shawn likes y/n but because of Hailey there is no them, now Hailey is gone there's a ray of hope that the two of them will reignite the flame that still faintly burns inside.

Y/n's P.O.V


Whilst I am waiting for Jack to arrive, I set up my camera, laptop and lights. Obviously, I need to improve the background as looking at a beige wall is boring and old, this video needs to be serious but have some element of fun.

I don't expect this video to be perfect since it's my first one that I will be uploading and everyone's first video is awful but that's because they have no clue what they are doing. But before Jack arrives I should probably change out of my pjs and into something a little more presentable especially something I can wear in front of the camera.

Coming out of the bathroom, I grab my phone before heading downstairs to the kitchen. Where I find my aunt Rita searching through the cupboards, see this is what I miss about Canada having the freedom and living in my own bubble.

"Hey auntie Rita are you okay?" I ask as I make my way over to the kettle.

"Good morning y/n, I'm good just trying to find the jar of Marmite" Rita says as she is now fully submerged into the cupboard.

"Well just letting you know that Jack will be round soon, I know I didn't ask if he can come round but he's going to help me with the rumours" I say waiting for the kettle to boil.

"That's fine love, I'm glad someone is on your side and is willing to help you out. That's true friendship" Rita  says "if only someone will help me find the Marmite" Rita hints to me with a small laugh.

"Would help Rita but I gotta drink this coffee sadly and catch up with RuPauls Drag Race before he arrives" I say pouting the water into a mug and leaving the kitchen.

*3 RuPauls Drag Race episodes later*

"Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! and May the Best Woman Win" RuPaul says.

Some may say that I watch far too much drag race but once you start a season you obviously have to finish every season, it'll be rude if you don't binge watch something as good as this show. I'm comfortably sitting on the sofa with a blanket on my lap, when the doorbell rings.

Damn jacks here!
Am I ready to talk?
Probably not but it has to be done

I reluctantly pull the blanket away from me, pausing Netflix and opening the front door.

Jack looks so cool but at the same acts like such an idiot as he tries to balance everything in his arms. Reaching my arms out I try to help him carry everything into my house trying not to break his precious equipment.

Closing the door behind I guide Jack upstairs into my bedroom and carefully placing his stuff on my bed. Judging by everything that Jack has brought along with him means that filming this video will be a laugh and not awkward at all.

When Jack finally finishes setting up and adjusting the lighting and cameras I try to think of things to say in this video, I have too many thoughts running wild in my head and I don't want it to turn into a rant because Shawn's fans will see this video.

"Hey y/n before we film the video you might want to make a YouTube channel so it we can upload it quicker" Jack suggests passing his macbook towards me.

Within moments my channel is set up and Jack helps me design my header and uploads a profile picture, now it's time for the first video. I position myself and adjust my hair along with make up before I begin to speak.

"During the last few months and recent circumstances I have decided to move back to the Uk, as you are all aware I have been living in Toronto for years and have developed personal connections with Shawn and his family. For those people who are questioning my relationship with Shawn it was nothing, I was only his sisters best friend who I am sure now hates me for ditching her so I am sorry Aaliyah." I say holding back tears when I realise how much I miss my times with Aaliyah.

Jack stands behind the camera the whole time we're filming although it takes me a few attempts to get used to speaking to a camera.

"Of course I also miss Shawn he was something completely different, but when I saw him on the red carpet that night with Hailey tore me apart so much that I had to get away. I am aware that there were photos of me and Niall together but he was a mate who was acting like a protective brother. However, Shawn may have messed up but if I didn't break down in them toilets I would have never met one of my closest friends Camila who has been by my side throughout this whole period and I am grateful for that" I say smiling at Jack who keeps truing to get me to stay focused on the camera.

"Hopefully this video clears up the situation as me and Shawn are not in a relationship, we are in two separate countries miles away from each other. In case Shawn sees this I do miss you and I want things to go back to the way it was. Also thank you to Jack Maynard who's been helping me to film this, I have a lot of respect for you" I say just as Jack jumps onto the bed and nudges my shoulder as he signs off the video for me with all the links in the description.

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