Chapter 9 - Come London With Me

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Y/n's P.O.V

Thankfully 3 pm arrived so fast, with the bell signalling end of class I quickly walk out the front gates and head over to Shawn's car that was waiting in the car park. I must've got out before Aaliyah as Shawn was all alone in the car, just playing on his phone as I could see his face glow up from his screen brightness.

I'd finally get alone time with Shawn I've been craving it all day. I've been thinking about him during all my lessons, I just wish he was still at school and in my classes he would make life so much easier.

I walk from the school gates up to his car and tap on the window causing him to jump in his seat. Looking down at his phone I see he's texting someone, maybe he is in a relationship and we're only friends. That makes sense since why would he want to be with me.

"Hey, look I have something to ask you?" Shawn says as I open the car door and sit in the passenger seat next to him.

"Sure but you finish your text first I'd hate to get in the way of your life" I say putting my seatbelt on.

"That's the thing, I need to ask you first before I reply" Shawn says smiling.

"Oh, well what is it I mean if it's about Aaliyah then I can probably answer it" I say.

"It's not about Aaliyah, I was wondering if you wanted to come London with me when I perform at the EMAs in London?" Shawn asks grabbing my hand.

HE HELD MY HAND OH MY GOD! Y/n breathe calm down it's just Shawn. Relax it's nothing new.

"I'd love to but like I wouldn't fit in and I've never been to an event like that before and I have nothing to wear" I explain.

In my head I was freaking out SHAWN MENDES ASKED ME TO AN AWARD SHOW! Wait what should I tell Aaliyah oh my god she might hate me. I can't go...or should I go.

Aaliyah or Shawn ugh I don't know why am I in this position.

Yeah Aaliyah is like my younger sister but surely she'd be happy and understanding to let me go with him I mean we're just friends right? But what about Shawn obviously I want to go but Hailey and all them models will be there he'll probably ditch me for them.

"Y/n I know you're probably over thinking this but I want you there by my side for support. If you're worried about Aaliyah I can tell her later tonight and if she's annoyed I'll take all the blame. I know we're not together yet but I think it'll be a cute date so I hope you say yes" Shawn pleads.

God why is he so cute right now, that's it I have to go it's a date. WAIT ITS A DATE SHAWN ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. What is life right now. I'M DEFINITELY GOING.

"Shawn I would love to go with you" I say squeezing his hand a little just as I see Aaliyah come round the corner.

"Perfect, I'll text Andrew and we can look for outfits this week at some point" Shawn says kissing my cheek before going back to text.

That's it y/n you're officially dead.

I can't process what just happened, today has been insane. This morning I was cuddling with Shawn, singing in his car and now he's asked me out to London and his kisses my cheek.

I don't deserve any of this.

That lad is going to be the end of me.

Aaliyah drags me out of my thoughts when she gets into Shawn's car, looking at me as she slips into the back. I hope she's not mad how am I going to tell her. With her now in the car Shawn pulls away from the school and drives us both home but when he notices that Aaliyah is amused by her phone he places his hand on my thigh.

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