Chapter 20 - Video Aftermath

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Twitter Fan Accounts:

FluffyMendes: Was @y/n using @shawnmendes for fame? Now she's with @JackMaynard #fakelove

TrustMaynard: Love the new video by @y/n and @JackMaynard 

DifferentMendes: Wonder if @shawnmendes has seen the video? But I already love @y/n channel

MyMendes: @shawnmendes Do you like @y/n new video?

Shawn's P.O.V

Normally after an iconic music award ceremony such as the Grammy's I expect my social media tags full of images of me at the event ( not sounding vain) but instead my fans are all tagging me in y/n's video and discussing her and some lad.

Has she moved on from me?

I thought we both equally liked each other? 

Who's the new guy?

Something in my heart breaks when I scroll through screenshots of  Y/n I didn't know she posts videos on YouTube but after opening a link that the fans were sharing around I view her video.

I must admit as a first video it's very professional although I can still tell she's nervous but this Jack lad looks older than her but there is a good vibe between the two of them. It's nice to hear y/n laugh and joke around it shows that she hasn't been listening to any of the hate that I know she is receiving, she's my strong girl and I am so proud of her.

Reading through her comments my heart sinks further when I realise that my fans are the only people who are sending hate and being negative towards y/n. This isn't fair I was the one who ruined our chance of becoming something special, if anything they should hate me. Not y/n she's too beautiful and perfect to receive unnecessary hate and nasty comments.

Twitter: @shawnmendes so proud of @y/n cannot wait to see your channel blossom x

I don't care if this tweet starts rumours but y/n needs to know that someone is by her side especially when people are against her. Sure on the outside she looks happy and normal but I can see that it's a fake glow her eyes tell me that she's still hurt.

Something is wrong though with this video as her cheeks look a little tear stained, maybe I'm crazy in thinking y/n misses me but I certainly miss her even if she won't talk to me.

I need to fly out to England NOW! The album can wait and we all need a break from being cooped up in the studio.

Y/n I'm coming back for you, I miss you so much.


Andrew's P.O.V

Oh y/n I'm proud of you for making a video, I've missed seeing that smile and hearing that laugh. However, even I can tell that she's not 100% I feel like she's missing half of her. 

I treat y/n like she's my own daughter, I want her to be happy and healthy.

If y/n had to date any lad in the world I would pick Shawn as the one, their personalities compliment each others and I'm not just saying that because I've worked with Shawn for years.

Anyone who saw y/n and Shawn together could see that there was a connection between the pair of them, it's good that there's still a connection as even when they're hundreds of miles apart they still have each others hearts.

I know Shawn's had a few busy weeks lately but what if I send him to England, to visit his girl. I'm sure that would brighten his mood and it'll be a good surprise for y/n especially since valentines is coming up.

But right now I've only got a few days in order to book tickets unless I get a private jet. Come on Andrew sort your life out and get your two kids together.

We need young love.

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