Chapter 19 - Upload Day!

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Y/n's P.O.V


Today is upload day!

Jack stayed pretty much the whole of yesterday as he showed me how to edit the video and create and outro with music and links. The whole video looks very professional for a first attempt and I am proud of my efforts.

Me and Jack also filmed a second video for my channel as the Shawn video felt a little depressing he thought we should do a Shocking Jenga video which I was totally up for.

Thankfully the shocks weren't too bad as today I can still move my arms, I reckon Jack left my aunts around midnight since he was going out with his mates and I didn't want to waste anymore of his time. Although he did insist that he would stay to help me out.

Though now the video has been made I'm having second doubts on whether to post it onto my channel. Once the video is out there I can't control it anymore and I'm happy with a quiet life, plus what if the video just causes more drama.

Unless I post a few other videos up first before I upload the Shawn video maybe then I can create a small community of my own who know me a little better. As they'll probably judge me straight away if I upload the video as they'll see me as a girl trying to use Shawn for 5 minutes of fame.

If I hold onto the video a little longer it might be enough time for me and Shawn to fix our relationship, meaning that I wouldn't have to post the video.

Luckily, I have got that second video I'll upload the Shocking Jenga with Jack first just to brighten up my mood and then that doesn't offend or hurt anyone, it's just a game so no drama can be caused.

Posting the video it gains zero hits but that's what I expected since the only follower that I currently have is Jack, it takes time for people to see my channel. I'll check the stats in an hour or two, God I feel so nervous now that I've finally posted my first video.

Straight after the video is online I grab my laptop and start writing down new video ideas whilst I have Alessia Cara playing in the background.

"Oh, and I overdose Boy, I want off of this roller coaster You take me high just to bring me down Oh, when you bring me down (down)" I quietly sing along to Alessia's voice as I write notes, in my own little world.

New Video Ideas

*25 Facts about me


*What's on my phone

*Shopping Haul


*Songs of the Month

*Revision Tips

*Song Covers?

Maybe I should scrap the last idea I mean singing is Shawn's thing what if it comes across as me copying him then the fans will react badly, but at the same time I shouldn't let his fans control my decisions.

Who else could I collaborate with though as I don't know anyone yet and I'm not in any group many the collaborations could wait a few weeks. If I'mwriting all these ideas does that mean my channel will become a full time thing, do I want this career or is this too mainstream what happened to getting into University.

Getting caught up with typing I jump when I hear my phone buzz with a new notification.


(Twitter) @JackMaynard: Everyone go check out @y/n first YouTube video we filmed a collab and I'm honoured to be the first person on her channel #OriginalStan

That's true friendship right there, he didn't have to promote me.

@y/n @JackMaynard Thanks to you my arms still feel numb

@Jackmaynard Don't worry @Y/n I'll make it up to you next video, promise

I think I made the right choice not posting the Shawn video, the timing isn't right and I don't think it's fair on him yet whatever he was doing. I'd hate to bring drama to him or have pointless articles written about us, it could affect his career.

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