Chapter 4 - FEELINGS

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Shawn's P.O.V:

The boys and I thought it would be better to finish early tonight as soon we would have to rehearse for the MTV EMA'S that were being held in London this year on the 12th November. Since I finished sooner I thought I could come back home for a little bit just to check on the family before I head back to mine as it was only a short drive from my house to theirs.

Due to me being stuck in a studio for nearly a month I haven't had much family time so it would be good to catch up with Aaliyah and see mum and dad. Especially since when I do come out of the studio around 2 am Aaliyah is always asleep so we never spend time together anymore and I miss my little sister.

When arriving at my house I see three cars outside, mum's and dad's cars but alongside them, I see some strangers car which I've never seen before. We must have visitors or even new neighbours. Walking up the pathway I see two silhouettes in Aaliyah's room, the figures were jumping and dancing around. They seem pretty happy up there and it's good to see that Aaliyah has friend round even though I kinda wanted to spend the night with her just doing sibling things.

I knock on the front door three times and I'm soon greeted by my mum who's got a beaming smile on her face, as she pulls me in a breathtaking tight hug. I wonder what has made her so happy she's never this happy when I'm home this is like crazy psycho happy, I'm quite concerned about her. What crazy things are going through her mind right now. Maybe it's a wedding mum is always such a sucker for pretty occasions where she can dress up and take a billion photos of the family.

After being let into the house dad welcomes me back as I go to join him in the front room since he's watching The Late Late Show with James Cordon on catch up. Whilst I'm catching up with dad and discussing the third album, I hear mum shout up the stairs.

"Aaliyah and y/n! Come downstairs now please" Mum says. Wait is y/n here? I've never met her before even though I've seen the odd photo of her on Aaliyah's Instagram and she's so close to my sister but I still don't know anything about her.

I and dad come out of the front room to join mum. Just as we walk out to the hallway we hear a crash and see Aaliyah and y/n in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. I reach my hand out to help y/n up from the floor and I couldn't take my eyes off her she looks beautiful.

"Careful there you could cause yourself an injury" I laugh earning a smile from y/n. Her stunning blue eyes fitted perfectly with my brown ones, though only a tiny girl she looked amazing I can't find a single flaw. From the corner of my eyes, I notice my mum staring at me and y/n with a huge smile on her face, god knows what she's thinking about.

Y/n quickly pulls away from my grip and puts both of her hands into her jean pockets whilst my hand goes to the back of my neck. I miss her touch already, this is crazy we've only just met less than 30 minutes ago but I can feel this sense of attraction already however it could be just the heat of this room making me feel warm instead. Aaliyah pulls me out of my thoughts about y/n.

"So why'd you shout at us?" Aaliyah asks.

"Well since it's almost 6:30 pm we assumed you'd want Chinese" Dad announces causing Aaliyah to jump with excitement and clapping her hands, you'd think the poor girl is starving when we get Chinese nearly every couple of weeks.

"Well I'm up for that since I'm not going out tonight, y/n are you staying for food?" I ask y/n with a slight pout in hope that she'll stay here longer so I can get to know her better and find out what her personality is like.

"Sure I'll text my parents I mean who doesn't love Chinese" Y/n laughs whilst mum keeps her eyes locked on me and y/n. I'm getting really conscious about my actions now since she's watching us.

The two girls run upstairs full of excitement, with them gone dad picks up the telephone to order food whilst mum disappears into the kitchen and I head back into the front room. Seeing y/n's smile is adorable but I won't let my feelings turn strong since I don't want to cause harm to her and I don't think she's ready for this kind of hectic lifestyle jetting around the world and coping with different timezones. No matter how much I want her in my arms or how I want to kiss her all the time, it cannot happen we're too young to be held down at this point in our lives, I'm just going to force myself to ignore the connection for the better.

Come on Shawn clear your head, she probably doesn't like you. I mean no one loves a stranger, she knows nothing about you unless Aaliyah has told her things. Maybe I should talk to mum or dad they'll know what to do I can't tell y/n how I feel... well just not yet. No one rushes into serious relationships this quick though so until we're friends nothing will happen as that's unrealistic and this isn't a stupid fairytale, for all I know I could've been too forward and made y/n feel awkward.

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