Chapter 5 - Netflix and Mendes

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Y/n's P.O.V

Me and all the Mendes's were in the front room watching Pitch Perfect 2. The sitting arrangement was Karen and Manny on one sofa whilst Aaliyah had one sofa all to herself, which left me and Shawn sharing the other sofa.

Normally I would sit with Aaliyah but she had already laid out her cushions and blanket down before snuggling into her little nest. Leaving me no choice but to share a sofa with Shawn. Not that I'm complaining though.

I was in my new pjs that consisted of a black crop top with matching black shorts which I got from Topshop a few days ago, that looked adorable but so cozy.

I was in my new pjs that consisted of a black crop top with matching black shorts which I got from Topshop a few days ago, that looked adorable but so cozy

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Whilst Aaliyah had changed into her grey graphic top that said "Wake me for lunch". We both looked like trash since our hair was up and we were make up free.

Whilst the film was going on Shawn's hand grabbed mine under the blanket that he threw over us

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Whilst the film was going on Shawn's hand grabbed mine under the blanket that he threw over us. It was a cute moment as I place my head on Shawn's shoulder before receiving a smile from Karen who was watching us.

Karen and Manny turned in for the night around midnight, leaving me, Aaliyah and Shawn still awake just chatting away. As Karen left the room she winked at me and Shawn as we were now both cuddling each other on the sofa.

By time the movie Shawn went to grab the remote to pick a new film on Netflix. But as he moved, I also moved and ended up on top of him causing both of us to blush.

God he was so beautiful and that gorgeous smile. He makes my heart melt.

Aaliyah was too engrossed in her phone to notice me a Shawn as I get lost in Shawn's brown eyes.

Before anything happens I awkwardly cough, which also brings Shawn out of his thoughts as he finally grabs the remote and puts on Run Fat Boy Run.

This is my perfect Sunday night, I wouldn't want to change a thing apart from the fact it's Monday tomorrow and me and Aaliyah have school so I have to leave Shawn.

My phone glows up with a text from my mum.
Mum - Hi love, just wishing you a good night hope everything's okay xxx

Me - Night mum and everything is good me, Aaliyah and Shawn are watching Netflix xx

Mum - Awe good, who's Shawn? 😏xxx

Me - Aaliyah's older brother xx

Before I know it, Shawn grabs my phone and takes a cute photo of us before he takes a load of silly selfies. One of the photos we're both sticking our tongues out and the dog filter whilst Aaliyah looks bored in the background.

I post it on my Instagram with the caption ^Sleepover with the Mendes's🍿🎞@AaliyahMendes @ShawnMendes #comfy #whosthebettermendes ^
Aaliyah likes and comments ^ Oi you two, who took this ugly photo of me 😡 #hateyou ^
Shawn likes and comments ^@AaliyahMendes I did 🙋🏻‍♂️ and @Y/I/N we look cute though 😏#latenights ^.

Within moments Shawn's fans on Instagram were spreading the photo, and I was gaining followers. This was a bad sign.

"Just ignore it, we'll deal with it in the morning. Don't delete the photo I love it" Shawn says in my ear. He must've also seen the fans reactions.

Feeling my eyes become heavy, I snuggle into Shawn as I feel him kiss my head and whisper good night.

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