Chapter 2 - Unexpectedly Gorgeous

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Y/n's P.O.V:

I and Aaliyah have been in her room for hours studying and rocking out to our Camp Rock playlist. With notes scattered on the floor along and us taking stupid Snapchat videos of us lip-syncing to the Jonas Brothers using our pens as microphones as we flip our hair and try to create a dance sequence.

We were jumping on the bed and making crazy outfit combinations before modelling them down the hallway with our phones on timers taking photos, just acting like a pair of 11-year-olds. This morning/afternoon has been hilarious and just shows how much I missed Aaliyah whilst I was away, it's always sad when I know I can't stay here forever just messing around having fun like nothing else in the world matters as long as we're together. It's a huge stress reliever especially when my degree is taking over my life and I'm writing 3,000-word essays twice a month it's all so draining.

I upload a photo of me and her onto my Instagram whilst Aaliyah posts a similar photo to mine as I'm posing whilst Aaliyah's playing about with a teaspoon try to see how long she can balance it on her nose if you want to know its 28 seconds cause ...

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I upload a photo of me and her onto my Instagram whilst Aaliyah posts a similar photo to mine as I'm posing whilst Aaliyah's playing about with a teaspoon try to see how long she can balance it on her nose if you want to know its 28 seconds cause she bursts out laughing from Tiktoks I'm sending. The funny thing was that her pictured gained 27,000 likes in moments whereas mine barely reached 100 likes I guess that's what happens when you have a famous brother with millions of followers they will support any family member. Not that you should ever be bothered by likes as anyone can fake them and it proves nothing to who you are as a person.

However, one like that caught my eye was Shawn Mendes liked your photo. Since when did he know my Instagram he doesn't even follow me which is rude since I'm already part of the family but also what a stalker he must've seen me in Aaliyah's gram although she has many posts of us two so why only now does he think I look cool enough for him to be graced with a single like. He must've liked it cause Aaliyah's in it and we all know that the two are always hyping each other's posts.
Shawn Mendes commented: GOALS🙌🏻 if only my mates were cool like this. #NeedNewFriends
Aaliyah Mendes commented: If only you had mates!😂 #LonerLife

He's never noticed me before or even met me let alone probably know about my existence because I'm always gone when he's home even though Karen tries to make me stay for dinner. Yet I kindly deny the offer because I have too much work going on to stay an extra hour or two otherwise I'd be eating breakfast, lunch and dinner there. I might as well just become a housemate. I mean a like and a comment in one day definitely is a sign for a follow but that's sadly not happening today that would be weird especially when we haven't physically met cause for all we know I might be getting my hopes up that he would want to be mutual as my feed isn't exactly influencer level or beauty shots in little clothing, it's just me and friends with the odd house party.

Before we knew it the time was 6 pm and that's when Karen calls us both down. I and Aaliyah race out of her room and down the stairs jokingly pushing each other until we end up on a heap on the floor. Looking up we both see Karen and Manny laughing at the two of us. But looking around my eyes come across a pair of feet unrecognisable to me but the black leather boots seem a little worn, my eyes follow the feet up to his legs until I come across a boy with luxurious brown slightly curly hair. This was SHAWN! Oh, how embarrassing he's just seen me fall over can I just hide right now or pretend this never happened and rewind a few moments ago so I can walk down the stairs to create a more perfect first meeting.

(A/N: Ignore the background, but imagine Shawn helping you up 😍I'd just fall back to the floor)

(A/N: Ignore the background, but imagine Shawn helping you up 😍I'd just fall back to the floor)

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He looks GORGEOUS I swear I could've died. Just wow basically what a fine man. No wonder why he has so many followers I know I've seen photos and videos but him in person is a whole other experience it's a complete shock, I've never seen someone who looks so smart before, this man knows how to dress thank god for stylists.

"Careful there you could cause yourself an injury" Shawn laughs. His laugh oh my god, he's giving me all the feels right now. I understand why people scream and freak out when they meet him, he's flawless and his voice is so smooth. It's very calming and something I wish I could hear every day. His gentle voice pulling me out of my thoughts and helping me up off the floor. God his hands felt so soft. No wonder why so many girls love him he's a true gentleman. I try to take in all of his features from his adorable smile, the stunning jawline, his lips which seem so perfect. His tattoos on his hand were sweet especially when you saw that he had an elephant just like Karen's one.

I awkwardly laugh, when I notice everyone else is gazing towards me and Shawn whilst my small hand is still locked in his. Catching Karen's eyes I see a bright smile almost as she's thinking of something but I can't think what's making her seem so happy. I hastily pull my hand out of Shawn's grip and put both of my hands into my pockets whilst Shawn's hand goes to the back of his neck. Did we just have a moment or am I going crazy?

"So why'd you shout at us?" Aaliyah asks but my mind is still on Shawn and how his warmth ran through my hand when he helped me up, I think there is an attraction but it's too soon to call so it's probably nothing.

"Well since it's almost 6:30 pm we assumed you'd want Chinese" Manny announces causing Aaliyah to jump with excitement and clapping her hands, I don't have any plans tonight so maybe for once, I can join them for food.

"Well I'm up for that since I'm not going out tonight, y/n are you staying for food?" Shawn asks me with a slight pout almost as if he wants me to stay longer but maybe that's just in my head. Like he's the type of man who already has a girlfriend and I won't be getting in the way cause that's unnecessary if they're happy together, he does sing love songs for a reason.

"Sure I'll text my parents I mean who doesn't love Chinese" I laugh whilst Karen keeps her eyes locked on me and Shawn. I'm getting suspicious about this women, what is she expecting us to do just jump at each other and declare our true love, we have only physically known each other for minutes. That's not happening there's nothing here between us completely neutral and acquaintances for now at least until one of us speaks up.

"Yes, finally y/n never stays for food! That's it we're having a sleepover and you can't say no!" Aaliyah screams grabbing my hand and pulling me back upstairs so we can change into pj's along with grabbing pillows also blankets to create our makeshift mattresses. Somehow, I've got to get through the night with both Mendes siblings which will be a first, hopefully, Aaliyah falls asleep quick so I get some time alone to talk to Shawn and try to befriend him. Ideally, before I act an idiot and fall over again but that did make him smile along with breaking the ice. I am interested in seeing if Aaliyah has told him anything about me but then again why would he ask about a stranger who teaches his younger sister, I'm no one special.

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