Chapter 21 - Be Alright

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Y/n's P.O.V

Looking at my channels statistics it's been majority positive, it's still early days so it's not yet a huge success but at the end of the day this is real life. I don't expect my channel to blow up over night, with huge success that's not how it works in this world.

Still, I'm currently on 200 subscribers but I think that's only because I've done a video with Jack. I need to post a video on my own and see how the fans react or whether they are only here for famous YouTubers.

Seeing my guitar in the corner of my bedroom, I reckon I should do a cover which I know sounds cliche but I have had this song in my head for weeks now and it fits so well with how I am feeling right now.

Pulling out my laptop I try to find the guitar chords for Be Alright by Ariana Grande as I've grown a personal attachment to these lyrics and I know most people like watching covers and discovering new people.

Setting up my camera and bringing out my lights, I begin tuning my guitar. Making the odd clothing adjustments and tiding up my hair pulling it away from my face into a loose plait. 

Slowly taking a breathe.

"Midnight shadows, when finding love is a battle, but daylight is so close, so don't you worry 'bout a thing" I sing whilst my fingers strum the chords, hopefully my aunt doesn't complain about the noise.

"We're gonna be alright,  we're gonna be alright,  we're gonna be alright" This song is personal to me as it reminds me of my time with Shawn. Now time has gone by I know that I'm going to be alright with or without him but at the end of the day I still need him. He's my anchor.

"Baby, don't you know, all of them tears gon' come and go" Tears begin to form as my head goes back to the day I came to my aunts, I had bloodshot eyes and my throat was numb. The first night here without speaking to him was painful, I couldn't even remove the covers from me in the morning. I had to stay in bed, drowning myself with self-doubt and pillows surrounding me.

"Baby, you just gotta make up your mind, that every little thing is gonna be alright" Though that night was hard I soon got over it and come to terms that me and him may never talk again. Which is okay because there are other guys out there in the world even if they're not Shawn and he's the guy I want.

"Baby, you just gotta make up your mind, we decide it" With all the thinking that I've been doing, I realise that there is hope in the end. Since I still have connections with Aaliyah and Andrew who keep have been lately trying to persuade me and Shawn to talk things out. Which makes sense since I left him no chance to talk, I just ditched him like he done to me.

Maybe I should talk to him as a way of closure and he can explain the situation from his point of view. That would be the adult thing to do.

When I finish the cover, my phone glows with a Twitter notification.


(Twitter) @shawnmendes: so proud of @y/n cannot wait to see your channel blossom x  

Seeing Shawn's tweet creates butterflies in my stomach, he still cares about me. After everything we have been through he's still willing to show his affection towards me on a global scale.

That boy isn't scared of anything. Maybe he is the one and everything will be alright for the both of us.

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