Chapter 23 - Pressure

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Shawn's P.O.V

The cab pulls up outside y/n's aunts but before I get out the car my phone vibrates in my pocket.

*New Notification*

YouTube: New Video from Y/n - Be Alright by Ariana Grande

Since when does y/n sing?

The only time I've heard her voice was when she was singing and messing about with Aaliyah whilst they were watching Camp Rock. Opening the video y/n's face fills up my screen, she looks adorable playing her guitar. I swear I'm completely whipped by this girl, she can do no wrong in my eyes.

Y/n's voice is stunning, I would love to sing with her.

Don't get me wrong it's not entirely perfect but as her first cover, it's really something and way better than any of my early ones. Once the video ends I put my phone away.

"Are you ready for this?" Andrew asks me.

"What if she still hates me?" I ask looking down at my hands, playing with my ring.

"Look Shawn she doesn't hate you trust me, you made a mistake which you regret please don't beat yourself up about this" Andrew says removing his seat belt and opening the car door.

"I hope you're right" I mumble stepping out the car.

At this moment my heart is racing at a million miles per hour with a thousand scenarios running through my head.

1)Y/n could either slam the door in my face and I leave without her.

2) Y/n may pull me into a tight embrace and we announce our love for each other

3) Y/n's aunt may refuse me entry to see her and bans me from ever seeing or speaking to y/n

4) What if I knock onto the door and then when y/n opens the door I can't speak and just faint

Ugh! Maybe I'm being an idiot and this is crazy but what if it's better if I just go back home and stay away. I'm not ready to be rejected by y/n. God my palms are sweaty now.

I need her in my life as part of me not against me.

This is Andrews stupid idea why did I listen to him for once I should've said no and kept myself locked away in the studio busying myself with the tracks. Maybe even go on a social media detox so I wouldn't know what y/n was doing or where she is in the world. This is driving me insane, I can't take anymore.

"Shawn mate are you coming? You haven't moved for a few minutes now" Andrew says shaking me.

"Yeah I am fine, just thinking of what to do" I say wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Mate you sing in front of millions of people a year, y/n is only one person" Andrew says guiding me to the door.

"Y/n is different though Andrew, she's one in a million. A girl who isn't into fame or attention, who would rather sit indoors than spend all night clubbing and getting with random people. I've hurt her once before I don't want to do it again." I say adjusting m jacket.

I have to do this now, just walk up to her door and ask to speak to her one on one. God I hope she's awake I mean she was never up before 11 Am. Lazy Girl.


I wait a second before y/n opens the door with a small yawn. She looks adorable right now in her pj's.

"Shawn?...What...what are you doing?" Y/n asks with confusion all over her face.

"We need to talk" I say.

"You've had months to talk Shawn, not now" Y/n says trying to shut the door.

"Y/n no listen...I'm sorry" I say putting my foot against the door.

NO NO NO this is the worst thing, I've lost her for good.

Y/n don't shut the door, I won't allow it.

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