Chapter 33 - European Holiday

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Y/N's P.O.V

Day 1

The first day was cute Shawn took me to spend the afternoon in the Van Gogh Museum which was fascinating because I was able to view the famous painting Sunflowers. Sadly, our visit was cut short when Shawn was recognised by some fans who began to ask for photos and signatures. It's sweet that he stopped to talk to this small group but soon they expanded and I got bored waiting for him so I just wandered around the museum alone which was peaceful but not ideal as I wanted to spend time with him. Even so, I was chatting to a tour operator at the museum and he was telling me all about the personal life of Van Gogh and explained the back stories behind some of the many paintings which were on display.

I would rate the day a 2/5 because it was lovely, but I just wish I could've had more alone time with him where we could maintain a conversation without the mention of fans or have disruptions which result in me being alone

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I would rate the day a 2/5 because it was lovely, but I just wish I could've had more alone time with him where we could maintain a conversation without the mention of fans or have disruptions which result in me being alone. It didn't help that even back at the hotel Andrew had got Shawn into a makeshift studio to record some lyrics for the next album so I just had an early night after I scrolled through Instagram.

Day 2

Shawn knows how much I love football (Soccer) so to wake up this morning and find out that he had got tickets to watch Ajax play later on in the evening but after we had a stadium tour in the afternoon was so sweet. I don't know why he's arranging all these activities for me when he's the one with the birthday fast approaching not me if anything I should be the one who is arranging everything he loves. But then again he is a selfless person who just wants to make other people happy.

 But then again he is a selfless person who just wants to make other people happy

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Compared to the day before, this day out had to be up there around 4/5. Until Shawn got noticed on the metro and we missed many trains whilst he was taking photos again. In the end, I got a taxi back home and met Shawn later when we went out for dinner with Andrew and Brian, but he saved the day when we went back to my hotel room and just chilled out catching up with Brooklyn Nine-Nine wrapped in a blanket.

Day 3

By far this has to be the best day ever! As someone who loves history a goal of mine was to visit the Anne Frank museum. It sounds embarrassing and geeky but I cried the whole way around the place, I've studied ww2 a lot for school and I've covered all the Nazi occupations for my exams but to actually go to such an iconic building for me it was all too much. Especially when you know that Anne died aged 15 in a concentration camp whilst her father Otto was the only one to survive.

All this time apart from Shawn and he still remembers all the things I love I don't want to think about how much time and effort he's put into these last few days it's really made my week

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All this time apart from Shawn and he still remembers all the things I love I don't want to think about how much time and effort he's put into these last few days it's really made my week. He's made me special and it has been a long time since someone has managed to do that. It makes me love him all over again. Maybe it's time we spoke and clear the air between us before things go too deep.

Day 4 (Evening)

Tonight me and Shawn were on a canal boat with all his friends plus some of his tour people, with the city lights all around us to say this felt romantic was the bare minimum. Thankfully, the temperature outside was still around 15 degrees meaning that it was comfortable enough to be wearing a light jacket. The outfit which I chose to wear was one of Shawn's t-shirts and a black leather jacket with my little black boots, his shirt was long enough on me not to worry about wearing shorts or jeans.

Since it was quite late there was hardly anyone about meaning that we could get away with whatever we wanted to do since there was no chance of a fan or pap spotting us plus in this amount of low lighting from a distance you wouldn't even know that Shawn was dancing on this boat and drunkenly singing his heart out just as if he was performing to a crowd of thousands. The alcohol was flowing and the atmosphere was buzzing within the glow from the glitter ball and sets of LED lights which decorate the boat, I was sitting upon the deck chatting with Brian until Shawn appeared with many glowsticks in his hand.

Upon Shawn's appearance, Brian soon disappeared leaving me sitting next to Shawn who was slightly swaying, poor lad is going to be regretting all the vodka shots and bottles of lager tomorrow morning.

"Y/n! THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!" Shawn shouts dropping all the glowsticks on the floor as he gives me a bear hug which nearly sends me backwards.

"Shawn, don't worry about it. I'm glad I came out here" I laugh trying to regain my balance.

"I've missed you, you know that," Shawn says with a hint of soberness in his voice as he looks me in the eye.

"I'm sure that's the alcohol talking Shawn you're already on your fifth bottle of fosters. You might need to take some water" I suggest in response to his sudden emotions.

"No...No...No, look y/n listen to me. I MISS YOU! and that isn't the alcohol talking it's my heart" Shawn says placing a finger under my chin and turning me to face him. "You don't understand what you mean to me" Shawn whispers in my ear, making me feel faint.

Why does he have this power over me, he knows how to make me melt enough so he can mould me that way he wants. Like I said earlier he still remembers the boring things I love and enjoy, he could've easily forgotten about me but here we are after all the drama. It's just us finally alone on a boat somewhere down the canal in Amsterdam a city which was a goal of mine to visit. Everything has fallen into place.

Shawn's hand moves from my chin towards my ear when he pushes back a piece of my hair out of my face, already I'm starting to feel butterflies in my stomach. In a split second his lips find mine, the kiss starts cautious with both of us being intoxicated but soon I apply more force in return just as Shawn's hands find my waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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