Chapter 16 - Y/n's Breakdown

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Y/n's P.O.V

Me and Niall are walking away from the carpet when I feel tears beginning to form in my eyes, I can't let Niall or anyone see me like this. Niall calls for an Uber and I take this opportunity to run to the bathroom.

Thankfully there were no reporters down the corridor so no one could take photos of us but since my heels were so high I was struggling to keep my balance but with Niall being a gentleman he was holding my hand, whilst guiding me outside I am grateful that he knows this arena.

"Hey, Niall I'm just going to the bathroom quickly. If the Uber comes text me" I say walking away from him.

"Sure y/n, just let me know if you bump into Shawn or anything and I'll come get you" Niall says smiling.

Bless him what would I do without Niall.

*Inside Bathroom*



That stupid image of Shawn and Hailey together, she's all over him and he does nothing to push her away. I get he is in an interview but if he truly likes me why didn't he walk away or try and say goodbye.

I don't want to see him again, I want to go home. I should only be Aaliyah's friend and not speak to him or make any contact. Whilst he's having fun out there, I'm in the bathroom crying my poor heart out. I know it's not hygienic sitting on the floor but my legs can't handle standing up.

*Bathroom door opens*

Trying to dry my eyes, I notice that someone else is in the room. Looking up from the floor I recognise the other girl to be Camila Cabello one of Shawn's closest friends. Obviously she's going to be on his side defending him but then that's true friendship no matter what you stand with your best friend.

Just great...thought I could hide away.

"Oh My God! Y/n! Why are you in here?" Camila asks sitting down on the floor with me.

"You know me?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Course I know you hun, Shawn always mentions you to me" Camila says.

Why is he talking about me to people, I'm not even famous nor are we together. We're only friends and the last thing I need is a rumour going around which will attract attention to me.

"Oh..." I say feeling my tears building up again.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks handing me a tissue.

It doesn't matter right? I probably shouldn't say because Camila will tell Shawn and then that'll bring drama which I do not need. But surely I can trust her, I mean Shawn always surrounds himself with good people.

"Shawn...that's what's wrong" I say accepting the tissue and drying my eyes.

"Aw hun, I was wondering why I didn't see you two on the carpet" Camila says.

"We were but then he had to do an interview, with moments of him leaving me Hailey turns up and starts flirting with him" I say leaning on Camila's shoulder.

"If you want my honest opinion I don't like Hailey, it's nothing personal but she just tries so hard to get attention even though she's stunning already and has plenty of fans who support her. All Hailey wants right now is Shawn and she won't go away until she's with him." Camila admits.

I forget about the fans, they're going to be shipping Shailey everywhere. I won't ever be available to get away from the images and videos.

"I just think that tonight has been a mistake and maybe I should clean myself up along with keeping my head down" I say getting up and making my way to the sink before cleaning my face.

Just before I leave the bathroom Camila pulls me back and types her number into my phone but not before she takes a photo of us and uploads it onto Instagram with the caption ^Ain't no crying in the club💃🏻🦋 #EMAS2017 #GirlPower^

Just before I leave the bathroom Camila pulls me back and types her number into my phone but not before she takes a photo of us and uploads it onto Instagram with the caption ^Ain't no crying in the club💃🏻🦋 #EMAS2017 #GirlPower^

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Camila is such a lovely girl and a wonderful woman, I can see us being great friends in the future. Now I know why Shawn is friends with her, Camila has such a warm heart and is welcoming to everyone.

As I walk out from the bathroom Niall calls me saying that the Uber is pulling up now but in the process of walking from the bathroom to the Uber I notice a camera flash just as Niall helps me into the car.

I'm truly in trouble now but whatever I'll go back to the hotel and change ready for the after party with Niall, if Shawn has his new love interest then I'm going to hang out with my new best friend.

Camila's P.O.V


That boy was so close to getting the girl of his dreams, he never and I mean NEVER stops talking about her or attempts to involve her in every situation.

Now tonight he lost her due to Hailey a girl he can't stand but obviously being in the limelight changed his actions and thoughts since he's left his crush all alone, luckily I found her in the bathroom by accident.

Y/n is such a sweet and down to earth girl why Shawn is messing her around I don't know, it's so unlike him but at the same time Hailey is up to her old tricks again.

She done the same thing with Selena and Justin months ago but luckily they pulled through. Just like I know Shawn and y/n will but it takes them, y/n's wounds need to heal before they move on.

As I'm walking back to the award ceremony I find Shawn talking to Andrew but his facial expression looks concerned.
Hailey is nowhere to be seen but as I take my seat I notice that Niall is also running a little late into the ceremony but he glances at Shawn with an angry expression whilst Shawn looks upset.

Why is Niall angry at Shawn?

Unless he also knows about the situation between y/n and Shawn. I'll have to talk to him at some point tonight but for now I'm going to enjoy the awards.

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