Chapter 17 - Social Life

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Y/n's P.O.V

Lately, I've been staying around Ellie's and spending the odd weekend at Niall's when he's been back in the UK, I've been trying to keep a low profile but that's impossible in this day and age since social media is 24 hours a day, I never get a break especially from fans asking questions.

Friday evening and instead of going out with mates, I am alone watching Jack Maynard's new video on YouTube it shows how interesting my life has gotten. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining if anything I need this calm time especially after the storm.

(Just in case people don't know who Jack Maynard is here's a little video)

But this is a break that I have needed, still everyday without fail Andrew or Karen calls me to check up on me and gives me updates about Shawn. My recent phone call was with Karen and she was telling me how low Shawn was feeling recently especially when Hailey was near him he would always push her away or keep some distance after all the trouble she has caused him.

There's nothing bad between me and Shawn I mean he still follows me on Twitter, Instagram and we're friends on Facebook but it's just hard to go from talking almost everyday to not talking at all. But I am a strong girl, I can deal with this.

I miss him

I need him

I let him go

The first week back at school was so complicated, sure I remembered the layout of the school and I knew the people in the classes but since I've been in the loop with Shawn, people have been looking at me lately. I've been getting unnecessary attention from students who I never even met before but thankfully it's just looks and whispers no one has spoken to me yet about Shawn.

Though with me being busy with school work and A-levels I haven't really had the chance to think about Shawn and it's allowed me to heal. Obviously the tabloids are still writing articles with a new story everyday but I ignore the papers. However, the thing I cannot get away from is social media, my Instagram account is always blowing up with comments, tags and followers.

New follower: @Mendes101 now follows you

Comment: @MendesLoving - @ShawnMendes and @HaileyB will never be Shawn & y/n #BringBackY/n

Comment: @HoldMeMendes - Did @y/n and @Shawnmendes fall out? #WheresY/n

New follower: @ShawnnieTreat now follows you

New follower: @ShawnWho now follows you

Comment: @ShawnsGuitar - I want @y/n back #BringBackY/n

I never wanted any of this, I want people to leave me alone. Maybe I should put a tweet or something out there just so people know what's going on between me and Shawn. I feel like the fans need to know even if Shawn doesn't want to say anything.

What is the best way of telling the fans though should it be through a video, tweet or photo, what if I wrote a statement or something. My head is saying video but at the same time I don't know how to make a video unless I speak to Camila maybe Niall or send a tweet out. I might watch a lot of YouTube but I don't know how much work and effort it takes into making a video nor how long it'll take.

This may sound crazy but what if I sent a tweet to Jack Maynard since he's recently had to make an announcement on his channel, he'll be helpful to me on how to address the situation. Get a grip of yourself y/n just make the first move, you'll feel better once this is over.

I open my Twitter account and send a tweet to Jack in hope that he'll notice me and reply.

@jackmaynard Could you help me make a video? #AskJack

I can't wait to see his advice but until he replies I better get a move on with my history coursework since the deadline is 19th January which is only a few days away.

*3 hours later*

New Twitter Notification: Jack Maynard now follows you

Jack Maynard replied to your tweet: @y/n Depends what the video is about

@jackmaynard It's something special, don't worry

@y/n I'm down for that, cannot wait

No way did jack notice me I've liked him for years now and he's actually willing to help me out. I already have a camera but I just need lights and a notepad on things I can talk about, sounds simple.

*Direct Message*

Y/n: I need to make an announcement video, can you help me? x

Jack: Of course I can help, what's the announcement? x

Y/n: I need to address the fan theories about what's going on with me and Shawn x

Jack: Sounds interesting, I'm in x

Y/n: Thank you so much, I'll give you my address x

Jack: No problem, I'm free Thursday so we can record then and edit either Friday or Saturday x

Y/n: That's perfectly fine, I look forward to it x

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