Chapter 10 - Mum Can We Talk?...I Knew It

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Shawn's P.O.V

Throughout the whole car journey I couldn't stop smiling, y/n was my date to the EMAs everything feels unreal.

I didn't think she would ever agree to come.

Not to mention the fact I grew that much confidence to kiss her, sure it was on the check but inside I was dying. Her skin felt so soft it's a shame that it was over so quickly.

Now we're home, I chose to tell mum first before I go talk to Aaliyah since I don't know how she'll react plus y/n and her are studying right now and I'd hate to be a distraction.

Walking into the kitchen I couldn't find mum, I check upstairs in her room but couldn't see her. It wasn't until I check the front room that I see her watching the Jeremy Kyle show.

Sitting down on the sofa next to her I grab a nearby cushion before playfully throwing it at her. Causing mum to throw it back at me earning a chuckle from her.

Looking at the TV screen the caption for today's show read You slept with my brother and stole money from my mothers purse well this should be interesting for Jeremy to sort out and find a solution.

During the advert break I find time to ask mum about y/n coming to London with me for the MTV EMAs as I know I should ask y/n's parents I don't want to face them like this. I'd prefer it if mum says that we're going on holiday to England and y/n's invited to join us out there.

"Erm...Mum I need to ask you something or like tell you something" I tell her whilst playing with the cushion.

"What is it Shawn? Has something happened?" Mum asks with concern.


"Shawn calm and slow, I understood none of that" Mum says chuckling.

"I asked y/n if she wanted to come London with me" I say looking down at the floor regretting telling mum.

Mum squeals with excitement and pulls me into a hug.

"I was waiting for this to happen, I knew it was only a matter of time" Mum says beaming.

"What do you mean?" I ask slightly puzzled.

I was not ready for this type of reaction, I was expecting mum to be like you cannot go with her or the fact she'll try and reason with me saying that it's far too soon to bring y/n into my life. But truth be told y/n was always in my life just she was never around me, it was always her and Aaliyah.

"I see the way you look at her Shawn, I can tell there's a connection somewhere between you two" Mum says pulling the cushion away and grabbing my hand.

Within moments the adverts have finished and the show begins again. Since the TV was on low volume I can hear the laughs from Aaliyah's room, if only I could make y/n laugh that much. Maybe one day I'll be able to.

But for now we're going to London as friends and only friends however I plan to make it special for us. I've even said to Andrew about staying a little longer since I'm never in the UK long enough to do anything.

Instead of a weekend away it'll be a week and I know y/n will love every second of it no matter what happens to us.

She's not the love of my life yet but I do have extremely strong emotions towards y/n and I haven't felt these in years.

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