Chapter 8 - Thinking About You

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Shawn's P.O.V

When I took the photo of y/n I just had to post it online, she's a real beauty. Just can't take my eyes away from her, I straightaway changed my lock screen to our selfie but not before I added a heart emoji.

I know we're not together right now but I want to be with her and everyone says that you start off as friends before you date. I just have to get to know her but obviously my life is ridiculously complex.

I sent y/n a text this morning whilst she was getting ready with Aaliyah but I think me and her need a private conversation however I would've thought that the fans could've acted a lot worse, I'm glad y/n has some fans who are supporting the future us.

Our conversation went along the lines of...

Shawn - Good morning about last night I'm sorry for the fans reaction 🙈 xxx

Me - Morning, it's okay I mean obviously the fans have the right to react this way as they've never seen us together before xxx

Shawn - I suppose so but it was awful, I've deleted some of the comments but please don't read what they're saying ❤️xxx

Me - That's going to be the hardest part but they shouldn't see me as a threat as I'm best friends with Aaliyah and I'm on her social medias xxx

Shawn - Exactly but that won't stop them sending hate, however we can say we're only friends because that's not lying to them xxx

Me - Didn't realise you came up with smart ideas Mendes 😂 xxx

Shawn - Shut up y/n I have my moments of genius 👨🏻‍🎓you're just never here to see them xxx

Me - Shawn I gotta get ready I need to fix my face and sort out my clothes but we'll talk after school or something xxx

Shawn - You shouldn't fix anything you're pretty perfect as you are right now 💋 xxx

Me - Real smooth Mendes 😂👌🏻xxx

Shawn - That's how I role y/s/n 💁🏻‍♂️xxx

I really wish I could say more to y/n but this has to remain as friends, at least for now. I don't want to hurt her. Her humour is similar to mine and there is clearly a connection but it's wrong to like my sisters friend. I should probably ask the lads what they think, between them all there's enough common sense.

If only she didn't have to go school I can talk to her all day, I would literally give her all my attention. Maybe I can ask Andrew if I can take y/n to London obviously Aaliyah should come too because the press would have a field day and spread rumours around about the "relationship" which is non-existent right now.

Not gonna lie though my mind went wild when I saw y/n walk down them stairs her figure was stunning, she might be tiny but that makes her even more adorable especially since I'm so tall. Y/n in skinny jeans is flawless if only she was wearing one of my t-shirts that would make her look even better.

When we got to my car I jump into the drivers seat expecting y/n to sit with me up front but instead she chooses to sit with Aaliyah in the back, which is surprising I thought she would prefer to seat with me so we can talk but obviously I'm wrong. Maybe she doesn't like me enough to get into a relationship.

Before they left the car I told them I'd meet them back at school at 3 pm, that gives me a chance to talk with y/n and hopefully she'll sit in the front with me this time. I miss her already. Why can't I stop thinking about y/n everything is happening so fast.

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